May 1, 2009

30th of April

Yesterday some friends and I went for a little adventure walk with the dogs.
Vazy learnt how to jump from stuff in to the water. First time she ever made it!
Then we went climbing a bit in the rocks, but it was to steep at the end, so we had to turn around and walk another way to get to the top to watch the view. Great weather and a cool place!
Then we went home and played "Brännboll" with some friends after eating tacos. Super fun! And the dogs were really on our team, making life miserable for the other team by herding them when they were running, and catching the ball and running away with it so we couldn't get "burnt". HAHA! They didn't do stuff like that to our team though, that was funny!
Then there were a lot of fireworks. But it went super well! It went on for a long time with really loud bangs. But I was playing football with Vazy like crazy, so she barely noticed. And when I was too tired to run, I fed them with sausages and chips. So they were really happy and didn't seem too bothered. The ate and played, so eventhough they sometimes looked in the direction of the fireworks, they didn't seem to mind so much! I'm gonna continue like this, and just do loads of fun stuff and then they can get to eat good food and all when there are loud noices. Maybe they will even start to like it?

They were nice and tired later at night.

Today it's another great sunny day, so we'll see what we'll do today....


(Ps. Vandraren Represent!)
(Ps 2. Internal joke, so I can see why most people are not gonna understand. hehe!)

1 comment:

Emelie said...

Det där låter som en riktig toppendag!