June 28, 2008

Agility Demo

So now we're back from a day of agility. We've been showing off three times today. The first one was catastrophic, cause there weren't enough space and they made a really hard run. Vazy had no idea what to do, and me neither. It was crazy... But after that we rebuilt the run and it got a lot better, Vazy too. I managed to remember where to go and what to do... its hard when she's so fast! Some more pictures further down..

Aila got to see some more dogs, and she managed to say hello to two of them without barking, that's some progress! She also goes up to people and they can touch her and everything without any trouble. Just need to train on some more dogs for her to stop barking. I'm sure its gonna get better!

We're also taking care of a bordercollie this weekend which is very nice. Aila was so scared at first, but now she's playing with him and everything! He's not so used to being in town with a lot of people I think.. but overall it's going well. He can be without the leash everywhere and thats great!

Tomorrow it's competition time! i'm starting vazy in obedience.. we'll see how it goes since i haven't been training almost anything!!

The picture is from when I was training atleast a little bit...But the jump is the easiest part.


June 17, 2008

June 10, 2008

Café and Agility

On sunday we went to Luleå to socialize a bit and meet one of my mum's friends. We went to a café to have ice cream and Aila can lie still under the table for the whole time (maybe half an hour). She still likes to bark at some people and most dogs. But on monday night when I'd finished work we went to the dog club and it went really well. Most of the time I can get her to do lots of stuff, even walk on heel for a few steps and other basic things, but sometimes she gets blocked on the other dogs and barks and don't see anything else, most of the time i manage to get her to snap out of it and then she gets lots of treats. She got better and better, and by the end of the session she didn't do it as much any more. We also got her to go over the "bridge" in agility, and through the tunnel, over a few jumps (very very low) and enter the slalom. She loves it already!

I wanted to enter vazy in this obedience competition by the end of the month. But she's not allowed until she has a license, cause she's not registered in Sweden. Maybe by the end of summer or some other time. She's doing good at practise, but still need to get better on heel walking! Too bad we both think it's boring to practise that....

I'll put some photos from our café visit..

June 4, 2008

social and clicker training

Everything is still going super well!

Yesterday we were going in to Luleå, which is a little bigger than Kalix. It was a lot of people and cars and bikes and everything. Aila is in a "everythings scary" period, but by the end of the day she smelled and went up to strangers and wasn't scared of anything. It was prom-night for the students. So there were hundreds of people, sports cars with loud noises, dogs.... It's funny 'cause she's not scared of any loud noises, or machines, cars or trucks. But when people are coming up to her, or when dogs pass by, she has to bark and be scared. But as I said, by the end of the day she had changed. So now we're going to go more often to town and hopefully all that will pass..
Today we've been having a clicker training session and Aila is doing so well! She's already proposing lots of things like sit, down, give her paw, rolling, barking, jumping. It's really fun, and as soon as I capture a movement with the clicker, she repeats it straight away. She really understood how it's working. I also managed to get her to walk on heel a few paces...

Vazy is quite slow and disobedient at the moment. I don't know why, but I think she's never been so slow to come when I'm calling, and she's sneaking to the neighbour, sneaking in to the house and out.. Things that she knows she's not allowed to do, is it to get attention? It's hard to stay calm when you know she knows all the commands, but is disobedient by purpose. Cause she's never been like this. But today and yesterday I made some training with the clicker and some toys, and then she was doing really good as usual. It's just with the important basics that she's like that... It's annoying, I even caught her sneaking to the neighbour and in to the house. Had to get angry, but after that she has been better... With her it's really important not to let her do exactly what she wants, then she becomes a monster!

We also leave them alone everyday, and Vazy is not barking anything when she's with Aila!! That's great!!

Everyday we go down to the sea, and the dogs get to run and play in the water. Aila didn't like the water from the beginning, but today it's been really warm, so she was happy to run and play with me and vazy.

Mathieu has gone home, so I'll put some pictures from when he was here.....