I'm reading a book about competition obedience training, so I'm feeling quite inspired at the moment. Right now I'm reading about how to reinforce behaviour. I think that's fun. To find out what the dogs like. I can see a big difference between my two dogs.
Vazy is really easily reinforced. She likes contact with me and treats as well as play. She spontaniously come up to me during the walk "telling" me she wants to train. She puts herself in position and looks at me with hope in her eyes. She loves it. I've noticed that she likes best to do things for toys, sticks or play. But that it also makes her a bit too excited. She can't always concentrate and does everything at high speed. So for her play is best to use when the behaviour is already there, where it's speed i want, and not precision. For precision it's best to use treats, also because she can work longer for food treats. She don't get as tired as quickly. It feels good that I know her so well, it makes the training much more effective.

With Aila on the other hand, it's harder. She's still young, so I still have hope to get to the same level as Vazy. But Aila never comes spotaniously to "ask" for training. She rather likes running around with the nose in the ground during walks. It's not that she's not attentive either. Because when I stop (as I've trained to come back when that happens), she looks at me and comes running in high speed. Often she put herself into position next to me too. But after that it's not always easy to keep this contact. She's not as motivated by the treats I have. She can walk next to me for 15 minutes when I tell her "here", but that's without focusing on me. It's like an invisible leash, and both my dogs know it. They have to walk close to me until I tell them they can do otherwise. When I was training the heelwalk this was what Aila did today. She walked next to me, looking straight ahead, longing to go back to her sniffing. But then I tried using some sticks as treats, then she quickly changed her mind and made eyecontact straight away. So there I've realized that play is much better for

her motivation. She's still young, so there is still time to work on that motivation. She can't concentrate for as long as Vazy, and I shouldn't expect that from her. She's only 11 months old. But I think when I start training again I will use better food treats and more play to get her motivated. I will try to work so that she can keep concentration and motivation longer. That's what she needs before being able to start competing. We still have all spring.
Thursday I'll go to the vet with Vazy and check her legs. I hope that it's something that's going to pass, because I think both me and her wants to continue the agility this spring. But I have to accept the fact that if her legs are getting worse, I'll have to stop doing it. Sadly enough. It's Vazys favourite sport..
From next week I'll start going to the club on wednesdays to train with other dogs on the "open training". If anyone wants to tag along, just give me a shout..
Du är säkert mycket smartare än jag, för om jag inte skulle plugga så skulle jag inte klara av något bra betyg alls! Det skulle däremot Orvar... hehe.
Fina foton på vovvarna idag! ;)
Åh, så kul att det går bra för dig på uni! Wow, det låter ju jättebra!
Hoppas du mår bra och lycka till med plugget ;-)
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