January 3, 2009


Happy new year!
It has been a bit hectic lately. A lot of people staying over and a lot of running around.
Vazy has hurt her leg, as I might have mentioned before. She is a better now. But it's impossible to keep her on leash for too long. She goes totally crazy, running from one side to the other, flying around when the leash stops her and running back again. I can see that she's still halting a bit, but she don't seem to get worse from a bit of running, and I think that must be better than her hurting herself on the leash. Tonight I barley saw any halting, eventhough she run this morning, so tomorrow I'm gonna try to go for a longer walk, then I'll see if she'll get worse. If so I have to get back on the leash and short walks.... But it don't hurt when I bend the front leg anymore. And it's definitley muscular, since she's only in a pain when she's cold and been lying down for a bit. She's not swollen or anything.. So I just hope it will pass.
My economy really can't take another veterinary visit now, and they will probably just run tests and all, just to say that she needs resting. But if she don't get even better in a week or two, I think I'll have to go anyway..
Hope to start the training again. Aila really needs it as well. She's going a bit crazy too.... not so easy. We've been really busy lately with a lot of people at our place. So there hasn't been as much time for the dogs lately..
But now it's a new year, and it's gonna be a good year. I can feel it!

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