I don't really have that much to write. Just wanted to update a bit.
We went for a nice (crazy) walk in the forest yesterday. It was nice, but so cold that I almost lost my legs (that's what it felt like anyway!)
Vazy somehow seemed better in her leg! I can still see that she's got something, but at night when she was resting she could still walk properly and wasn't as stiff as she has been lately.
That means that it's not getting worse from having normal walks, which is great. Especially since I'm going back to uni today, and they can't stay alone without a proper run in the morning..
Speaking of that.. Have to go!
Hej nya livet!
5 years ago
1 comment:
Jo det är verkligen viktigt att man tar sig ut och miljötränar massor. Idag var vi på stan i alla fall och träffade en valp som han busade massor med efter han hade fått nosa och fundera ett tag :)
Jo jag tar det också personligt och blir jätteirriterad. Har bara lust att försvara mig å skrika tillbaka.. men men, får helt enkelt försöka att inte gå så nära hennes köksfönster i fortsättningen! :)
Skönt att Vazys ben verkar ha blivit lite bättre.. Hoppas att ni får ordning på det..
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