So. Now I've finally been to the vet with Vazy.
It turns out she has had a small fracture (a crack) on her front left leg. So that's why it got better, but not as fast as it should have if it was muscular. I'm acctually really happy to find out what it was, and to know it's not the muscles. Cause if it was, then it might have been something more serious that would have maybe stayed forever.
So now she got some painkillers (anti inflammatory) and she should be better in about 2 weeks or a bit more. The vet says it takes atleast 6 weeks for a fracture to heal. Atleast you could see on the Xrays that it's already healed quite a bit..
I also found out that she has some "pålagringar" (what the hell do you call that? some bone structure adding on to the bone???) on her back toe. It's probably from her back legs being a bit "rounded" towards the inside. Then she puts more weight on the outside toes, which makes the effect we can now see. It hurts some when bent, so that explains why she holds her back legs in the air sometimes. I got the advise to stretch the toes when she's warm, because we don't want it to get stiff. It needs to move as much as possible. I also got some extra painkillers for when she's got more pain there later on...
Aila has been alone in the flat today. Nothing destroyed and no stress. That's good to know..
Oh yeah. yesterday I brushed Aila.. In the end there was a pile of fur as big as another dog next to us.. crazy! Now she has quite thin fur.. I guess they're gonna get the winterfur in time for summer.. haha.
Hej nya livet!
5 years ago
Första gången jag har hunnit läsa här. Har varit lite mycket de senaste dagarna. Tack för besöket hos mig och tack för gratulationen! Va skönt att du fick reda på vad felet var på Vazy, det är inte kul att gå och inte veta...Bra att Aila kunde vara själv under dagen! (hoppas att det var ok att jag skrev på svenska?) //Madelen
Vad skönt att det var en fraktur så det kan läka och bli bra. Hoppas de får vara friska och krya nu dina hundar.
Jag tog ut din mor på en timmes skogspromenad i kylan. Hon tyckte nog att mina hundar var lite väl glada och busiga i skogen när de kom rusande.
Så bra att du har fått veta vad det var för fel med Vazy!
Hoppas att ni får en trevlig helg!
bon rétablissement à la miss !
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