I'm too good at posting lately.. So now it feels like it was too long since I did.
I'm looking forward to a training day with Kicki and Izla tomorrow. Gonna be fun! I have so many new ideas.
My plan:
Sending forward: Training with the cones closer. Shaping the going to the middle. If it's not working, and she goes to the cones all the time, I'll put a small target. Reward always inside the "square"..
Sit, down, stand, distance training: Gonna start with the front paws on a target. Having the target just in front of me, so that she can't move forward. Giving the treat towards the back. When she gets it, I'll slowly move away from the target.. Then I'll probably take away the target, and do the same thing again.. Start close, and move away slowly.
The come with "stop" in the middle: I'll practise without command and an exterior reward (playing with kicki) behind. I'll leave Vazy with Kicki, call her in, she lets go and then I'll tell vazy to "go play" and she can run back to Kicki playing. This will probably get the speed at the same time as she will be oriented towards the back.. Sometimes I'll call her all the way in, and give the treat next to me, so that she won't know and expect a command in the middle.
I will practise the jump with "sit" on the other side. She can already do it, but I want her a bit further away from the jump, so she won't accidentally touch it.
I will also practise more "apport" (how do you say that in english?). She has to be better at the command, and better at holding the object. She's gotten a bit worse since she had some problems with her teeth (one broken)..
I will also repeat all the things from class I.
Aila: Here I have to work on her concentration. Have to have better treats, that she's willing to work harder for.
I will practise the heelwalk. Turns and especially concentration for a longer time, which is her problem at the moment.
I have to start practising the "stop" command, that she doesn't know yet. I'll do that with the clicker and an help "signal" with the hand to begin with. If that doesn't work, I'll practise by stopping myself for a little while, as a help (since she's trained to stop when I stop..)
I have to practise more of the "apport" which she loves. She gets a bit over excited and seems to start to chew a bit....
The jumping should be no problem, and I'll practise that at the club. She likes to jump, so I don't think she will avoid it. She's also good at positioning, so that's not gonna be a problem.
The "down" has to be practised more whilst heelwalking. She's really fast when I command her when she's still, but she has a tendancy to bark of excitement.
The down/stay is good already! I will just practise in harder situations. Next to unknown dogs she's not feeling secure, which is harder. But also when I play with Vazy next to her.. She almost managed last time.. So...
Hope to have all this ready by spring, to start competing..
I will run 3 competitions more in class I with Vazy, and if I don't get 2 more first prizes I'll forget about the LP and move on to class II anyway.
I will do some tryouts with Aila in class I. If I manage as I planned I should be able to get a first prize. That is if she can keep concentrated for a whole program.. There is some way to get there still.. I will try to take LP in class I with Aila too.
Hope to get started tomorrow. Viva springtime! I want to be able to stay out for longer without freezing my fingers off...
Hej nya livet!
5 years ago
Det kan vara skönt med en liten kull för en gång skull, jag hade ju önskat mig det. Tur att det blev två iallafall så de kan leka med varann.
Det kan vara skönt med en liten kull för en gång skull, jag hade ju önskat mig det. Tur att det blev två iallafall så de kan leka med varann.
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