So, today was the ultimate dog meeting test.
I recently got the tip that using ham-cheese on tube is a good reward. and since then I try to use it when I meet dogs.
What a change!
Click and ham-cheese is working perfectly.
Today I just came out of the flat, and wasn't ready to meet a dog (it seldom happens just there), and around the corner came a amstaff. Vazy froze as always, Aila started barking like crazy. But there was a difference here. When I backed off, Vazy remembered that there was ham-cheese in my pocket and came running back. It was great! what a change.. And eventhough Aila barks like crazy, Vazy is nice and calm at my side. It's a good beginning.
I'm starting to focus on Vazy, who is the leader of the two, and when I manage to get her calm in all situations, I will start focusing more on Ailas barking. Cause she's coming back too, but while barking. And sitting down, still barking. Then she gets some cheese and runs back towards the dog. I'll probably get there with her too. But I have to give it time, and work on one dog at a time. Cause it's impossible to focus on both of them.. Then there will be no consistancy.. So... I feel confident. We also met another dog, and same there. Vazy was like an angel!
Ham-cheese on tube is also good cause it's easy to carry along, and lasts for longer than, for example, sausages. And the dogs LOVE it..
Tomorrow we will get the keys to our new flat, and our new lives!
Hej nya livet!
5 years ago
Åhå! Testa med popcorn (om du inte redan gjort det) för det funkade bra förut så... hehe..
Kul å höra att "skinkost-klicker" metoden ger resultat =)
Jag tror du gör alldels rätt som fokuserar på Vazy just nu.
Lycka till med flytten! Så skoj att vi kommer bo närmare varandra!
Ha de gött tills vi ses igen!
Hei på deg, vi har i klasse 1; Tannvisning, felles dekk 2 min, lineføring, fri ved fot, dekk fra holdt, innaklling fra sitt, stå under marsj og fritt hopp over hinder. Det eneste jeg ser at vi har her som dere ikke har der er fri ved fot, og vi har ikke apportering. Ellers er de ganske like...!:) Tror det er lurt å ha apporten med som dere har, fin grunninnlæring. Mange som sliter med apporten har jeg inntrykk av..;) Du kan jo ta en titt på det norske regelementet
Gratulerer med ny leilighet!:)
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