Well, didn't go too well today.
As I said before, I thought Vazy was better, so I went for a long walk in the forest. They were so happy to run freely after 2 weeks of short walks on leash. I was happy too, cause Vazy seemed to do good. I couldn't see any halting. But now, after a few hours resting and sleeping, she's as bad again. She screams when I bend her left front leg. I have to go to the vet again. I'm already on -20 000 kr and I don't manage to pay it back. This month I only have 500 kr left for the rest of the month. The last 4 months I've been paying more than 6000 in veterinary fees. I can never relax, cause there's always something happening. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. This is not normal. And still, I try to pay so much attention to them all the time, buying the best food, going for nice walks and all. But everything seems to go wrong anyway. Depressing..
I guess I have to get a job, but I don't know when I would have the time. That also makes less time for the dogs... argh......
ps. just noticed that within a 125 days I only have to pay the 10% "self risk" (what's it called?) to the insurance company, so it won't be so expensive hopefully....
Hej nya livet!
5 years ago
Så jobbigt.. Vad otur ni har hela tiden! Hoppas att det inte är något allvarligt med Vazys ben! Kram/Sussie
Tack för grattis meddelanden i bloggen och på forumet!!
Men gud va jobbigt med Vazys ben! Det är verkligen inte kul när sådant händer och som du fått erfara kommer ju en olycka sällan ensam. Jag förstår att du känner dig deppig när det händer grej på grej, usch det förtjänar ni inte!!
Jag hoppas iaf att det går bra hos veterinären och att Vazy blir bra fort!
Haha.. Gott Nytt År!
Vad synd att det går dåligt med Vazys ben, det verkar som att det alltid händer hundarna något, det är så trist när du verkligen kämpar med dem! Hoppas att Vazy blir bättre.
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