today we wen't for a walk with Kicki, Izla and Jessi, Olivia. It was fun. Only a smaller incident betweend Izla and Vazy. A fight between them. I was expecting that to happen since they have very similar caracters.. But nothing serious anyway. Otherwise it was super nice weather and great company. Funny to see several laponian herders at the same time. They are so similar, but still so different.. I hope to meet some other Aussie owners as well, that would be fun..
Tried to train a bit with the dogs, but I had nothing planned. And they loved to smell some stuff on the ground, so nothing really good. Would be a good idea to get a backpack and always bring toys and training stuff. I should also get some cones for training the sending forward. She got that she has to go forward, but she can't go far, and she's turning around too much. Need some help with external reward I think... Anyways. Gonna be fun to read more in the book and try it all out.
As you can see everyone got their cameras out.. I'm getting a bit sick of mine, but it's too expensive to change. And I'm not sure it's worth it, since I mostly only use it to take pictures of the dogs..
To look at some more and nicer pictures, look at Jessi's page;
Haha. Du är inte helt ensam, men nästan.
Vad söta hundar Kickan hade! Vazy verkade ha roligt!
Hur går det med pluggandet? Är det roligt att utbilda sig till lärare?
Jag har kommit på vad för något jag vill bli! Veterinärassistent, kanske på en djurpark eller något!
Förresten så ändrade jag namnet på bilden till "Lying all alone", blev det bättre?
Hälsa Mat!
Ja en alldeles jätteskoj dag blev det! Izla har varit helt utslagen här hemma...hehe....såååå skönt tycker jag! Du är så snabb på att uppdatera här i bloggen, jag måste skärpa mig på den fronten. Men nu är det uppdaterat iaf! Kram från Izla och mig!
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