Today I went for a walk with Minna. Of course Vazy can't go a day without drama. We went to this lake, and it was a small path in wood over some the water which was frozen. So.. They were nicely walking on the path, and then I look away for a second, and the next I see Vazy swimming in the icywater. She had fallen down while running on the weak ice! I thought that she might freeze to death, so I got a bit panicked and stepped down on the ice. Luckily it wasn't profound, but I went through the ice with one leg.. Vazy was fighting to get up but didn't manage. So she gave up and just hung there, clinging to the ice.. Finally I manage to slide out on the ice, and as I got closer she tried the hardest she could, and then I managed to catch her neck and slide her out of the water.. Her whole fur was ice! But we went home to Minna. Vazy got a warm shower and we could laugh at the whole thing. Haha.
They stayed with Minna and Johan when we went to look at a nice new couch. It all went well...
Vazy är alltid i centrum av alla händelser, haha. Alltid råkar hon ut för något.
Det går bra med kameran, har inte riktigt vant mig med den än så det är fortfarande lite svårt att hitta alla inställningar.
Usch va läbbigt, tur att du fick upp henne.
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