..that I'm acctually sick.. Or even if I'm feeling depressed, it all goes away when I'm training the dogs. That's great. But now I feel really tired.....
Today went quite alright.
The square was not the best with Vazy. She'd forgotten all about it and only wanted to go to the cones. I have to train it more often!! But I should, because she really likes it. She's crazy about training. When me and Jessi were talking, she just ran to the square.. She always tries different stuff.
I did the object search again. And it went just as well today.. It's fun though!
With Aila I have some problems with the fetch and jump. Haven't practiced it enough, so she might not make that on the competition. But we're gonna meet up again tomorrow to see if we can do something more about it...
It's funny. She's great at walking on heel now, and she does nothing but! 70-80% of the walks she's coming up next to me, wanting to walk on heel.. Ofcourse she gets rewards for her efforts. So the heelwalk was looking really good today! The "down" is good too.. We'll see if she remembers tomorrow, what we've done today.
It's hard with her sometimes, cause differently from Vazy, she's a bit scared of doing wrong. So sometimes she kind of "blocks" when she doesn't get her reward often enough. Maybe it's her age too. But I can still see a difference. And then she gets much more frustrated when she doesn't know what to do, that's when she starts barking.. I can't see that in Vazy to the same degree. Speaking of barking.. She was much better today! I guess she wasn't as excited, since we were training agility for hours yesterday night. Good!
More updates tomorrow.... I'm not hoping for great results at the competition, but we're gonna manage some stuff anyway! She's still so young, that I don't have to feel any pressure, and I'm not putting any pressure on her either. We're just gonna have some fun!
Hej nya livet!
5 years ago
Låter som en sund inställning "att ha kul". Det är ju ändå det som är grunden i mycket. Vi håller tassar och tummar för er!
Ja visst är det härligt med träning, som doping! :)
Men ta´t lungt så du blir frisk någon gång!
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