Today I was working, when I got home I heard Vazy barking in "her" room. Damn! Well. I don't think she's barking all the time.. Hopefully.
Anyway. Jessi came just after so I went out training on the field just outside. With Vazy I practiced the "come-stand" with a target in the middle. That was working quite well. She LOVES the target. I don't understand how that could be so funny. But when she sees it she wants to do nothing but run there and jump on it. So that's good, cause she gets good speed to it. But that should be really fast to learn, the hard part, that I always struggle with, is to take it away..
I can send her like 50 meters out to a target if I want, but as soon as it's gone, she doesn't understand what to do any more. So I think I might mix this technique, with the one I did yesterday (target behind her, where she can go when she stops, like a reward behind her basically).
Then we did some distance training (sit-down-stand) and that was about all I had time for with her (that I can remember).
Then I practiced some stuff with Aila. Just went through the obedience class I program. She does most stuff quite well. But today she had a tendency to bark, cause she was so excited and wanted to train too much. And I still have to practice the "stand" which she doesn't know yet. It will come.. The fetching went well, but she still chews a lot. Any ideas how to get rid of chewing?
Next weekend we're going to Gävle to compete in "Lapphunds SM" (laponian dogs swedish championships). Gonna be interesting since she's not really ready. But we're doing it for fun mostly, and we'll see how we'll manage...
Tomorrow I'll post the films from the competition, and Ailas training today..
Have a good weekend!!
Hej nya livet!
5 years ago
Okey, tänkte mer att de kan ge tips om hur man gå till väga... Men hon är ju samma hund oavsett sv. stamtavla eller inte ;)
Nej, tar det som nyttig träning!
Kul med "Lapp-SM"! Jag har fått tips med Fokuz som lätt kan gå upp i varv och skälla att "fela" (lägga) honom så fort han börjar andas fortare eller pipa. När han är lugn igen så får han komma till mig och träna. Fungerar kanon! Minsta antydan till stress så får han inte träna!
Hahaha, jag måste ha ärvt dina kläder! :-D Är jag förvånad? ;)
Nej... har inte riktigt orkat ta itu med Fokuz "tuggande", han rullar den mer... Träna på ett fast hållande... Vissa håller igen munnen på hunden, andra delar upp momentet i så små delar att hunden inte får en möjlighet att tugga...
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