Started off towards the club (Kista) around 3.30 (or was it 3.45?) after having decided to meet up there with Jessi. It was CRAZY traffic and I didn't arrive until around 5 I think! Crazy!
Then we went for a nice walk over the fields. After that I left Aila in the car (she was going to train later) and went training only with Vazy. Yesterday at the club I noticed that the come-stand-come was hard to get with external reward (Playing like crazy with Jessi), because she's not used to external rewards and gets too sucked towards me.. I've tried it that way quite a few times without any big result.
But then I got the idea to put some treats on something behind her, and get a realease command when she stops nicely. That worked well.
But today I switched it to the target. What a breakthrough! She loves the target and ran like crazy towards it when she got the release command. Wohoo. I did some calling in without stopping her, throwing the ball behind me to get some speed and "suction" towards me.
It was great not only because I can do it on my own. But also because it's so easy to mix normal come and come with stand. Sometimes I throw the ball behind, and sometimes she gets to go to the target, where she also gets the ball. Great speed in the two directions, and she can never know which one to get. But after a few repetitions she got a bit slower, so I stopped. But that's defintely something I'm gonna work more on! And I have to have her favourite ball as well....
Otherwise we did some "square" work. And she was a bit confused, but she always chooses to go to the middle eventhough she sometimes takes a little tour before. I'm quite happy with that. I also put a greater distance between the square and me. I have to work more on that.. She's good at finding the middle eventhough we're changing place of the square. Looking good.
We also did some "down-stay". And she was great as usual. She stayed even when Oliven got her little sausage balls thrown at her!
Then it was time for agility course for Aila (time flew today!).
She didn't start barking eventhough there were loads of dogs nearby. Wohoo! She was quiet most of the night, and I'm really proud of her! She was the best! We got to go through the tunnel, easy! Then we got to jump. One, then two jumps in a row. She did that perfectly. Then We got to call her in over the two jumps, she didn't sneak! Then I put a bowl infront of the two jumps, and she jumped them both when I stayed. She managed to take a jump then a tunnel. Then I tried to send her on the jump and then the tunnel, staying behind. That was a bit harder, and the first time during the course that she wasn't sure what to do. She got a bit frustrated and started barking. But I was patient and only stayed put until she got into the tunnel and got her reward in the bowl. Wohoo! Then I did that again, and just after I managed to send her over the jump and through the tunnel. Nice one Aila!
Then we did some slalom, and she did the whole slalom both from the left and the right side. But she's still really slow.. She just needs to learn a bit better what to do, and then I'll speed her up with some balls and playing.
I was really happy about the course, because most people were really good and already knew the obstacles. That puts a higher level on the course! Yay!! I'm so lucky! The two courses I've been taking it's been the same. In the puppy course, everyone was so good, and now it's the same. It's inspiring the ones that haven't practiced so much as well. So everyone gets so much better.
Looking forward to next time....
Tomorrow I'm helping instructor at an obedience class, and I'll have to show some tricks with Vazy. She will probably do; Rolling, Backing, Target and Slalom between the legs.
I will hopefully get a little bit of time to train my own dogs before the course. Need to get ready for the competition next week!
Good day!!
Hej nya livet!
5 years ago
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