Well. For the competition on Wednesday I've been training a bit.
It seems good. She's got some postition problems sometimes, but I can take that. And she also wants to sit before command on the "stand". That sucks, I can't believe that I told her to sit before when I was training. If you're doing that, don't! If you know that they know sit, don't do it when training "down" or "stand" for the class I. Maybe in a different situation if so, 'cause smart dogs learn fast! otherwise she got some good speed at the "come" and she's almost smashing in to my leg. Who would have thought?!....
I also did some quick "sit-down-stay", where I put a bowl behind her with some treats. She was quite distracted by the treats, but she surely did not move forwards. So that was good. I think that for next time I'm gonna have a friend or someone treat her whilst standing behind. A really smart tip I got from Jessi, but that I never got around to doing..
Anyway, I also trained a bit with Aila for the "Lapphunds SM" that's in 2 weeks. She managed the whole "apportation" almost perfectly (apart from the chewing but...). Amazing, I haven't done that much training! It's hard to make her jump forwards, but I'll continue training with balls and other stuff. The heelwalk is alright, and so is the "down" and "come", so we should be alright for the competition! In agility she knows the jumps and all, and she follows my command which is good. She's not so fast yet, so I think we might be able to manage..... We'll see! We have the agility course again next week. We'll see how it goes then...
So tomorrow it's agility group training and then it's resting day on tuesday (gonna be the most boring day of the year for the dogs!), and then on wednesday I'm gonna go before the competition and play and walk and have fun!
Hoping for the best now!
Hej nya livet!
5 years ago
Tack för bra tips! :).. Tänkte inte på det att det är smartare att vänta tills han sett hunden innan.. Ska testa det :)
Ja älgar har vi gott om här men dem ser vi så sällan! Era vilda djur verkar så vana vid människor att de inte har samma förstånd att fly som våra... Jag kan ju höra djur i skogen fly åt ett annat håll, det är ju lättare att stoppa hunden om hunden inte ser djuret utan bara hör det fly...
Ja det är bättre att kunna träna lite än inget alls. Jag har haft hundarna i bilen varierat men för Mira fungerar inte det heller, Kiwi skäller så förbannat om jag har Mira med mig på plan och hon sitter i bilen.
Tråkigt att hon verkar ha ont, hoppas det går över snart.
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