Today I got up early, after a night out 'til 1 (eventhough I didn't drink. I can tell you I was tired after having been up since 4am). I was heading for Aila's agility course. When I got there it was empty. I went for a walk. When I came back it was empty. 9.55, 10.00.. No one showed up! So I phoned Sofia with the Kelpie Ester, and I found out that it's next weekend!
So when I was already there, I decided to do some training.
I started going to the big field for a walk and then I did some object search, since I've decided to start all training (I can) with that. Today I made a 20 x 25 (or 30?) m square (zig zag) and had 4 objects. I took an empty toilet roll as well, for her to understand that she's supposed to get all kinds of objects. So she still loves it and she's good at it! She just has to practice holding and giving the objects to me, 'cause she rather throws it on the ground in front of me, ready to go out again. Today I didn't have to repeat the search command (but I still say it again after every object, so that she understands that there are more out there). First time she brought in the 3 toys, but didn't understand that she was supposed to get the toilet roll. So I followed her out, and when she found it and took it in her mouth I clicked. So next time I put out the 4 objects, she got them all straight away. So good! I filmed a small part of it... Sorry for the quality, it was with my mobile phone. For a bigger version;
Then I went to do some agility training. First I was teaching Aila to go into the slalom from all directions (shaping). She gets frustrated and "barky" when I do shaping with her. But I just ignore it, cause I know it will go away as soon as she knows what to do. She managed to take the slalom from all directions. And she could make the whole slalom eventhough I was one meter from it, at least. Good girl!
Then I did some crazy combinations with Vazy. I'm going to draw them. I tried to figure out more about the "threadle". And I'm not sure I do it right. But I managed to get her to go perfectly on all kinds of different combinations. She had really tight turns around the jumps, and managed to go into the slalom when jumping from the right. See drawing.. I've only drawn some combinations, because I can't remember everything I did...

I was working on the same jumps with Aila. But mostly to try to get her to take the jumps without having me 2 cm from her side. So I put a bowl in the middle first. Then one after two jumps in a row. Then after two jumps with a turn.. It worked out pretty well...
I'm happy about my training.
I think I'm going to train more tonight with Jessi. First I have to sleep for a bit! The funny thing with Vazy is that the more we train, the more she wants to train. She never seems to get tired of it...
Oh, I'll just add one more combination that I really liked (starting on the top).. I'm really happy to be able to steer her like this now. Because usually she's just going straight on the closest jump. But now I think I've figured out a bit more how to handle her. We'll see if it gives results at training tomorrow..

Vilken härlig dag ni haft! Mycket träning är så kul! :) Men vad säger du på filmen?! :o
Haha, som vi klampar omkring i skogen så hinner de nog stövla iväg innan vi når dem, men så har vi ju inte lika miljösäkra älgar som er ;)
Haha, du tycker säkert inte att det är så pinsamt och roligt som jag tycker, men ajja. Johanna var ju ihop med Tom typ ett år och då hade de hittat ett kärleksbrev från mig hemma hos honom, haha! Som hon tvingade honom att elda upp, hehe. Tur det! Kommer inte ens ihåg att jag har skrivit det eller skickat till honom, och det måste jag ju ha gjort när jag var ganska liten. Hihi :)
Wordpress räknar inte ens egna besök ;) Vet inte hur blogger räknar. Du kan lätt byta blogg och ta med dig alla inlägg från blogger till wordpress, jag har haft blogtown, blogger och men föredrar helt klart wordpress!
Ja där är jag likadan... förlorad sömn och MAT! Då är jag inte att leka med ;)
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