Today I helped one of the instructors at the club with her course (it's the 3rd time now). It's just "every day obedience" with a nice group. It's so fun and interesting to see peoples different relations with their dogs, and how they develop during the course. It feels great to be a part of that. To see them change and to take in the little tips and tricks given to them.. Interesting.
I went there early to have some time for my own dogs. Went for a nice walk where I made them search for treats. I made a "square" of 15x15 meters. Where I only put treats at the end at first. It was great to see that both of them went out 15 meters straight.. Then I threw some more around, and I think they found them all. I think I'm gonna continue like this. But I will start to hide the sweets within gloves and other things. Then I will try and make them search for things to bring back instead. Like toys or other stuff. Gonna be interesting to see how that goes.
Then at the club I was training a bit. There were two girls training freestyle and obedience with their amazing dogs. They seemed nice so I asked if I could "borrow" their square made with cones (not the same as the ones we've been training with before). So I tried some with Vazy. She didn't get it. Cause there were toys spread out, and she rather went to them. Then I thought of what I read in Marlene's blog, about only trying once, then doing something else and so on. So after the 3rd try (when she made it), I did some heelwork. And then sent her back. She was quite confused. But went towards the square anyway (but stopped next to the cones instead of in the middle). Then I just called her back and made some more exercises. And then tried again, from different distances, not always straight at it and all. And she made some perfect ones in the end! Got quite a way to go before she's ready for competition though. She needs to learn the command more, so that she knows that she needs to look for the cones when she hears that.
I also trained some heelwork in all directions. The walking to the left is still hard (I mean when we're both facing forward, but still going to the left).. Right and back, no problem!
Then she did some really nice distance training (sit/down/stand). She does it now without moving forwards.
Then I also tried the target training with the "come-stand-come". It didn't work at first, cause I called her in two times without making her stand. Then she forgot about the target. So I made it easier, and just walked around, and told her "go on" when she could go to the target. She really loves the target, so she always turned straight away. I think we might get there one day. Just need more training.
With Aila it's great! She's great now after having finished her heat. She wanna do nothing but walk on heel, even on our regular walks. She comes up to me every one or two minutes, looking at me and walking perfect on heel, then sitting perfectly when I stop. Wohoo! Then I did some "down" and "stand". The down is great. The "stand" is not ready yet. But she stops quite well when I do a movement with my hand.
I also did some fetching (apport). And she can take it from my hand, hold it until I take it. I can also throw it, and she gets it perfectly when I give her the command. BUT, she's a little chewer. Damn... But it seems like it's getting a bit better. It seems like she chews less when running. I will see how it develops. If it gets worse, I have to do something about it...
I was supposed to train some agility too. But then the agility training group (class II) started, so I couldn't really. But then it was only 20 minutes left until the course started..
Then they've been nicely sitting in the car. Poor dogs huh?
Hej nya livet!
5 years ago
Du har ni inte Lp1 redan? Kollade i listan och det ser ju ut som 3 första pris eller är det jag som är trött och missförstod?
Det låter så kul när du håller på!! Längtar till vi kan träna tillsammans ....
Låter som ett bra träningspass, det där med rutan kan ta ett tag innan de greppar!
Måste säga att det är en utmaning att läsa din blogg (inte så duktig på engelska) otroligt nyttig träning i alla fall och du skriver så flytande att det blir lätt att läsa! :)
aha, på det viset! Men är det inte bara att ringa SKK så hjälper de en?
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