Mathieu found this picture today. It's almost EXACTLY like Vazy! Judge for yourselves, but I had to look close... I can't see any differences. Has someone used Vazy without us noticing?!! (Click on the image to look closer..)
Anyway. Went training with Kicki today. It went quite well. I did some other stuff with Vazy than obedience. She had to sit, down and back between my legs, and slalom between my legs when I was walking. Rolling around, and stuff. It was a long time since I did things like that, so Vazy thought it was super fun. Did some rolling and backing with Aila too. She's a bit confused..But it went well..
And I have to tell you about my secret weakness (or, maybe I shouldn't...).. It's when Aila's chasing animals. I get so angry! I can't help it... Today she's done it twice, and I know it doesn't help to get angry, and that she's not chasing for long and always coming back. But I just can't help myself. Then the poor thing comes and "begs for forgiveness"... argh! I have to get better at controlling myself (I'm quite ashamed I must admit!).. Me and Kicki are hopefully gonna start practicing not chasing animals.. Soon, I hope! Vazy is always amazing in that case nowdays (she used to chase rabbits too..), and she's staying! I really think she's close to perfect now!! She's only got two flaws, it's her "herding" of people she doesn't know, and that she's barking a bit when she's left alone (or with Aila).. But noone can be perfect (neither can I.....)..
So. Overall I'm pleased with our progress in obedience. And I really feel like training more often now when the weather is getting better! Lovely spring and summer! Finally the dogs can hang around with us when we're going for a beer or a bite to eat in town!
Have fun! (And can you see any difference between the dog in the photo and Vazy?)
Ja det var verkligen likt Vazy...måste vara nån släkting. Spännande att du ska tävla...det går nog superbra så duktiga som ni är.
Sparven stortrivs att ha matte för sig själv tror jag. Just nu håller vi på att bygga muskler till sommarens utställningar;)
Haha, ja det va verkligen sjukt likt!
Tack för idag, lika trevligt som vanligt! Anti-jakt träningen måste vi verkligen köra i gång med omedelbart. Det är bara att bege sig ut i skogarna!
När jag såg fotot tänkte jag att det var Vazy, INNAN jag läste vad du skrivit!
Åh, ja, nu vill jag bada, så härligt! :)
Amazing!!! Är det från USA?? En ny nisch, modell!
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