Today I had to work, so the dogs had to stay home. I know they hate it, but what can I do?
Anyway, when I got home they had managed to open the door to the room they stay in. But they also pulled out the plugs next to the door. WEIRD!
Another weird thing. Yesterday Aila got a drooling fit, and puked some drool. Then she drooled for a few minutes, and then she stopped and went to bed. She didn't eat in the morning, but ate later at night. During the night I awoke at 4am from the dogs making weird noises. They sounded like they were licking their lips or something. Vazy looked like she wasn't feeling so well.
This morning when I went out with them, she drooled again for a few minutes, but not as much as yesterday. Otherwise they seem totally alright. Vazy is very hungry all the time and just wants food and food and food. They are calm, but not looking sick or anything. Now when I got home Vazy also got a drooling fit and even put some drool on the floor. WHY? what happened to them? They have normal shit and pee, they seem normal in general... very WEIRD!
If you have any idea what it could be, please write!
(the only thing I can think of that's different from normally, is that I put some exspot on them 2-3 days ago... )
at 9.40 pm we just got back from a run. I met up with my friend Veronica and we went to a cementary nearby. The dogs have really got energy, so they can't be sick for real (or?).. And it's fun to run with them. You can really see that they enjoy pulling. It's good for their muscles, and for me too! So it's a win-win situation.. It was Veronica's first time running with the dogs, and she thought it was fun, so now she might wanna come more often. Too bad we don't have 3 dogs, 'cause I want Math to run as well!
He's coming back in a few hours!
Hej nya livet!
5 years ago
Låter som de har ätit nåt olämpligt när båda har det. Har de blivit bättre ?
Ätit något dåligt, men då borde de ju vara dåliga i magen bakvägen också? Fästingmedlet kanske, de kan ju komma reaktioner efter... Skumt att de inte mår dåligt eller skiter illa?
Haha, jag är också en bloggnörd, skönt att skriva av sig innan man lägger sig och det är roligt att läsa favoritbloggarna! ;)
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