Today I went for a walk this morning and we met some dogs at the "dog-park". My dogs were really nice and friendly!
Then I went to uni and they had to stay at home. This time they hadn't done anything in "their" room (last time I left them they had pulled out the plugs and then opened the door.. weird!).
I brought them into town after a long and nice talk with Kicki. We've been eating and drinking some beer. It's funny how many friends you make when you bring your dogs (when they don't puke!). We met some english dudes and some other nice people that were talking to us. After a few hours at the pub the dogs got a bit bored, eventhough they were quite happy saying hello to our table neighbours.. Everyone liked them as usual, they're so well behaved when they're out in town!
They were quite hungry when we came back though, but it's nice to see that Aila got her appetite back after I washed off the Exspot (she didn't wanna eat, and puked when she did, for a day or so...).
Tomorrow it's our first competition in agility.. scary!
Hej nya livet!
5 years ago
Spännande! Lycka till med agilityn!
Skönt att kunna ha med hundarna sådär! Det tror jag inte Fokus skulle palla med,vi lantlollor gör ju inte så mycket sådant här uppe i norr ;)
Oj så spännande.. du måste ju uppdatera så vi får veta hur det har gått på tävlingen :)..
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