So, today Jessi came and we went through the programme for obedience class I, with the other one commanding as a competition leader would. With Vazy it went really well, a 1st price I think. BUT she still sits before order! really have to practice that!
Aila is crazy. She knows quite what to do, most of the time. But she's still a bit too crazy.. She likes to jump back and forth and "speak". She sits, lies down, rolls around and stuff if nothing happens. So I have to practice staying still! We're not there yet with Aila.. But she's still young!
Tomorrow I'm off, so I'll go for a long walk (like we did today too...) and then I'll do some more training I think.. Maybe go running.. I don't know yet.
Mathieu is going to France on friday, so then I'm up for suggestions what to do during next week! Just phone or email me.. ;)
Hej nya livet!
5 years ago
1 comment:
Glad Påsk !
Vilka härliga vårbilder och fina bilder på sötanosarna Vazy och Aila. Jag är ute mycket nu och njuter av våren här uppe medan isen ligger kvar. Det blir inte så mycket bloggande men jag är inne här då och då och läser om din träning. Vazy och du kommer att få 10 på alla moment...helt klart! Ni är superduktiga !!!
Jättetråkigt att Rocket fick somna in pga. veterinärens slarv. Han var så fin på alla sätt.
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