Yesterday was another day packed of dog-stuff.
I met up with Kicki around 12 and then we went to the club in Kista. The agilitytrack was still there since monday, so I tried it again with Vazy. There was always something, so I didn't manage to get it fault free.. I guess the fact that I can never get any fault-free tracks first try is gonna be a problem om saturday. But I hope it's easy so I can make it... We'll see!
We did as we've done with Jessi and trained the dogs one by one. It was fun. I did the square with vazy and she did it really nice the first time. And then from all directions. Ofcourse when we moved the square she was so sure it was at the same place, that she went there all the time after that. That's the proof why it's better to move the square and not the position! Especially with a dog that learns so fast!
Then I tried to do some heelwork and move to the left and right. It went quite well..
Then Izla was going to train some heelwork and all, and it was looking really good when she managed to do it. But she got really busy barking, so we've noticed that it takes at least 30 minutes training for her to be able to focus correctly... She also tried the "square" and we did it with a bowl at first, that we removed after 5 times. Then she went totally right, and Kicki clicked and I went to give a treat inside the square. She managed to get it right several times. Good Izla! (You can read more about Izlas training on Kicki's blog).
I trained some agility with Aila, and she managed to do almost half the track from monday! She's so good and loves jumping. She can keep the distance so that I can run straight. She jumps all the jumps and goes through the tunnels, and I managed to make her jump super nicely through the tunnels. And the major break-through was still that she managed to run over all the "zone" obstacles! Wohoo!
Then she was over excited, and she's started to bark when that happens. So then I've decided to ignore her completely and not move one inch and just stand still and look at the ground. When she comes to my side, sits and shuts up, she'll get a click+treat. It took some time but seemed to work. By the end of the exercice she was quiet and sitting at my side. And if I'm somewhere where it's really close to the car, I'll put her in there. I'm not gonna let this problem grow!
After having trained until around half past 3, we went to Kista Galleria and had some food. Great pesto pasta! Then we started going to the site of the rescue training. We were early so we had time to take a walk. We found a golf course and I let the dogs run. Ofcourse at the end of the walk Aila saw some birds and chased after them. Luckily it was just a big field, so I could see her all the time, and she could see me. So she didn't chase for long.. But then I realized that I have to do some more "walking next to me", cause she can't go off as she wants to any more. I need a bike!
Then we met up with the rescue "trainers" and they were all super nice. We got to see some other Laponian herders, one of which was the famous Modji. So cute!!
It was amazing to she the rescue dogs at work. It really made me want to try with my dogs! But I'm not sure that they are interested enough in people they don't know.. But I think it's something they can learn with training. Since my dogs are learning a lot by rewards, they can also learn to go to people for rewards. I'm so dissapointed that I'm gonna miss the "trying out-day" this weekend! That would have been so much fun!
The dogs were working so indepentendly and really seemed to LOVE their job. Amazing. Thank you Marianne (if you read this) for letting us come and watch.
Aila has been puking twice since yesterday. So now I've showered off the exspot. I really think it must be some side-effects, since she's not showing any other signs of illness. The side-effects have only gotten worse and worse, starting with drooling, and the more it goes into her, the more she's gotten. So that's why I think it must be exspot. But now it should already be in her blood, so maybe it will take a bit of time before she gets better. Anyone got any experience with this?
Have a great day!
All the photos are taken by Kicki (http://www.izla.se) Great photos!! Thanks!!
Herlige bilder:) Dere er flinke å trene. Vi har litt å forbedre til LP, men det er ikke alltid like lett å finne tid til det. Nå om dagen er det alt for mye sørpe og søle...:( Må finne snø og slapse frie steder å trene på! Synd du ikke kommer til Gällivare, hadde vært trivelig å hilse på!
Hej vilka fina bilder=) Ja det ska bli spännande med mh. Joisan blir 2år i maj, så det är på tiden. Har tänkt tävla bruks med henne å då måste man ju ha ett godkänt mh. Så du får hålla tummarna för oss=) Ha det bra!!
Vad kul med så mycket foton från när ni tränade, hon är duktig på att fota!
Jag tror inte att jag har riktigt ork att flytta hemifrån, men hotar med det ibland. Tror dock inte att vi har riktigt ekonomi för det än... Men när vi sålt Mjölafors då :)
elles sont superbes les photos ! vazy a l'air de bosser dur !!
fais lui un gros calin de ma part ainsi qu'à sa copine !
bisous à toi
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