So today I did my first agility competition. It was really fun eventhough we got disqualified. Vazy was a bit too fast after having been still all morning in her cage, and I did some faults in my handling as well. But it was still super fun, so we decided to make a team and sign up "last-minute" to the competition tomorrow, which is official. That's going to be fun! I'm gonna compete with two Nova scotia duck tolling retrievers, one of which is on the pictures here. We will have a lot of fun I think.
But now I'm sooo tired. I just got home from a picnic with the dogs in town. There were LOADS of people. The dogs are so happy to be able to come with us everywhere now. They like everyone and get really tired from just hanging around. I met up with Kicki, 'cause she was at the parc too. What a coincidence!
Oh well. Now I have to eat and go to bed, I have to get up even earlier tomorrw (half past 5)..
Cross your fingers for us tomorrow!

Synd på disk men vi håller tummarna att det går bättre i morgon! :D
Här är det fler som håller tummar och tassar för er idag. Det går säkert bra.
AnnLoice och Sparven
Åh va kul! Synd med disk, men en erfarenhet rikare eller hur!!! Lycka till idag!
Jag är så avundsjuk på er som får tävla... Vill också köra igång tävlingssäsongen! :).. Hoppas det har gått bättre idag. Jag ska strax lägga upp vårat utställningsresultat från idag :)
Hejja Åsa och Vazy, ni är ju så duktiga! Nu är jag nyfiken på hur dagens tävling gick!
Kram kram
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