Well. It was really fun today too, but I got eliminated again in both races. The first one went super well! The whole way until a hard combination where I had been focusing too much on the really hard part, that I kind of lost it on the one I thought would be easier. It got a bit too tight and she missed a jump and went straight to the slalom.
But I was super happy with that one, cause up until there, it went perfectly. Fast and correct! The other ones did well too. One with a few faults, and the other one eliminated too (but doing a really nice race anyway!)
Vazy had to stay in her cage quite a lot today, cause I was also working. That tires her a lot, because she can't relax at all. I think that's why she was SUPER tired at the last race. The jumping. She fell asleep next to the track not long before our race. And when it was our turn she did a good beginning but was unusually slow. Then she seemed a bit too tired to jump properly and she "sneaked" the tyre jump. That got us eliminated. But.. I'm still happy. It was super fun and she was really good! I think it would be easier with a track that's acctually on our level, Class I, because this one was more a Class II track.
For the other team members the jumping course went amazingly well! One was making it fault free, and the other one with 5 faults. Super good!!
I'll put some pics from the competition. Some of me and my team members (with the duck tolling retrievers) and some of another team from my training group (the poodles)...
(ps. I shouldn't blame it all on Vazy being tired, I was really tired too. And I'm a little bit dissapointed that I didn't make the goal of my weekend, of making a track without getting eliminated. But I think I must really do something wrong, because I never manage that actually. Anyway. I hope we'll get better by training some more...)
Va synd att hon fuskade med däcket. Men du kan ana vad avundsjuk jag är på dig som tävlat. Jag längtar så tills jag kan ge mig ut :) . Synd att hon inte kan koppla av i buren, ska väl inte säga något för det kan inte min heller ;) . Men nu är du igång Åsah :D .
Kul att du är nöjd med dagen i alla fall :) Nu är det bara att tävla vidare hela sommaren :) Synd att hon inte kan koppla av i buren.. Immer trivs superbra i sin bur vilket är jätteskönt :)
Jo det är alltid kul att få beröm för visningen :) Jag kan ju hålla med om att han behöver mer könsprägel, men för min del får han gärna se ut lite som en tjej och vara liten och smidig agilityhund i stället för att gå bra på utställning :)
Det låter ju som att ni haft en toppendag även om det blev disk denna gången. Keep up the good work!!
Huvudsaken ni har kul! :) Är själv så avundsjuk på alla som tävlar! Vill också - men får träna vidare tills kockonötterna fallit på plats ;)
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