so, yesterday Therese was taking care of the dogs during the day.. She noticed some blood on the floor.. and yes.. that's it.. she's in heat again.... now she's becoming a real lady.
but that would also explain her weirdness lately..
today it's raining, so i think i'm gonna take it easy. no long walks today. i can feel that the dogs need to rest a bit, or at least vazy. we've been up to soo much lately, and they're not used to it. yesterday for example, we went for 1,5 hours walk first, then therese and niklas went out with them for a walk as well, then training..
the other day, 2,5 hours walk, then agility..
or 2 hours walk and then running at night...
this winter i haven't been so good with walking them. and it's mostly been an hour a day max, and then training maybe 2 times a week.. so summer is really changing everything..
oh well. hope to have some fun this weekend!
Hej nya livet!
5 years ago
Oj då! Skönt att det var det som gjorde att hon flamsade. Här snöar det, Ami är bättre o benet!
Är du inte i Kista på Lilla Stockholm? Narnia och Narooma från Spinnrocken ställs just nu. Det är visst 33 Aussies.
Eike ska vara med på Freestyleuppvisning efteråt. Synd att du missar det.
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