October 17, 2008

vazy stays at the vet..

News of today are no better or no worse.. it seems like she might have some problems with her gallbladder (vesicule biliaire, gallblåsa), as they've seen on a quick bloodtest.. they sent the blood for further analysis.. she still have bloody diarrea. she's getting antibiotics so she won't get bloodpoisoning, she also gets infusion in the blood and other medications, like painkillers.. since she has a pain in her belly..
she don't want to eat today. but she haven't lost weight yet (she haven't been eating well for the whole week). she has to stay at the vet and if she doesn't get worse they will phone tomorrow and tell me what's up..

i'm quite worried. but i trust the people at the vet.. if it's something wrong with the gallbladder, it can be fixed.. but she will probably have to stay quite some time at the vet.. i'm just telling everyone: get insurance! if i wouldn't have had insurance, i would have had to put her to sleep, cause i wouldn't have been able to pay the 3 or 4 thousand euro it will probably cost... so, that's just a tip....


Anonymous said...

oh non ....ma pauvre petite puce !J'espères que les vétos vont vite trouver ce qu'elle a ! on pense bien fort à elle !

Anonymous said...

Ja det är viktigt med försäkring. Men hoppas hon inte behöver stanna så länge utan får komma hem frisk och kry snart. Kan hundar ha gallsten?
Här är det full rulle på Maya, Sparven och Dynamit. Han åker till sitt nya liv som kovallare imorgon.
Håller alla tummar och tassar att det går bra för Vazy. Vi ska ju tävla i sommar ju.
Kram AnnLoice