good news!
Vazy has been eating by herself this morning, she don't wanna be alone again (good sign!) and she has no diarrea.. so she's probably coming home tomorrow.
other good news is that it's not gonna be as expensive as I thought.. So that's great.
Feels so good to know that she will survive and that she's already feeling better!
Thanks everyone for your support. It's been so nice to see that so many cares for Vazy and me. It really helps when feeling stressed and worried...
have a nice day!
Hej nya livet!
5 years ago
super ! voilà une trés trés bonne nouvelle ! Tu feras un énorme calin de la part de son ex maman et de sa famille ( ses soeurs ,demi-frère et bien sur sa maman)
Je suis super contente !
bisou à toi
Extra! super! fantastique! je ne sais comment t'exprimer ma joie.J'imagine ton soulagement.Bon retour de Vazy à la maison .Grosses bises pour toi et plein de carresses à Vazy.
Jag får också säga super !!!
Vad glad hon ska bli när hon får komma hem till familjen. Hoppas hon är ordentligt frisk nu bara.
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