Well, haven't been writing for a while now. But that doesn't mean that I don't do anything.
I've finally found a club where I can train agility, I think I might have already mentioned that.
It's one hour away though, but I guess it's worth it. It was so much fun the other time! Nice group and they seem to be on the same level as me.. so that's cool.
Otherwise we're doing fine, I think Aila is in the end of her heat now, luckily..
It's gone fine. I'm training her to stay close when walking in the forest, cause she likes to run off chasing animals... But when I tell Aila off, Vazy thinks it's for her too.. So she's walking on heel all the time now! or one meter behind... I hope it's gonna pass, I don't know exactly what triggered this behaviour... I mean, I only call Aila back.. Hum.. Sometimes I think she might even be sick.. She looks kind of depressed.. Not easy to explain.. I hope it will pass soon though.. Maybe I would have to go to the vet otherwise, just to have her checked out....
Anyway, I miss all the comments I used to get ;)
Hej nya livet!
5 years ago
Tack för grattiset säger Sparven. Hon, Baron och Cera har gjort HD idag så hon är lite groggy fortfarande. Nu väntar vi spänt på resultatet.
Brrrr...vad kallt att komma hem till Kalix efter vår weekend i Sundsvall.
Ha det bra
moi et l'anglais ,çà fait 2 mais j'espère que tout va bien pour toi et les 2 miss !J'espère que tu as eu l'adresse du forum et j'espère t'y voir .
et un gros calin à Vazy
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