Now she's doing well. She lost a bit of weight, and have to have a lot of different medications and eat 5 times a day. But she seems happier, not as depressed as before. That means she's not in pain any more. She don't have blood anywhere, and no more diarrhea. So basically she's a lot better!
She's not as good friend with Aila any more, but I think that it will get better when Vazy has more energy again. The medications are making her a bit tired...
But when I left her off the leash she was running ahead slowly, smelling everything and seeming totally alright. Not the way she was before, walking on heel behind me all the time.
But now I have to walk them!
Hej nya livet!
5 years ago
Ravi de savoir que la miss Vazy va mieux. Fait lui de grosses papouilles de notre part.
Åh, så skönt att hon är hemma och mår bra nu! Tur för er. Ha en trevlig helg, hälsa Mat och hundarna från mig! Kram
Skönt att Vazy mår bra igen.
I morgon ska vi ut i skogen ett gäng Spinnrockare och lägga viltspår. Hoppas det har slutat regna till dess.
Ha det bra och njut av dina goa hundar.
contente de saoir qu'elle va mieux ! j'espère qu'elle va vite récupérer ! fais lui un gros calin de ma part !
bisou à toi
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