she came home today, she was so happy to see us! she really seems like herself again. she had no diarrea, eventhough it seems to still be some blood in her intestants...
since she was biting off the infusion-tubes she got this big liquid thing under her skin instead. she looks so funny! but she seems alright, a lot better!! she has a lot of medications, 4 different ones that she has to take 3 times a day. she has to eat 5 times a day, small portions.. But, she's gonna be alright. no running and long walks for a week or two....
so that's the news for now. i'm really happy to have her back. she's a bit pissed off at Aila, who has taken over a bit lately.. so Vazy has to tell her off a bit.. Aila also has so much energy all the time! So i can understand that vazy gets tired of her....
Thanks again for all your support!!
Hej nya livet!
5 years ago
super! je suis heureuse pour vous deux. Bon rétablissement pour Vazy.
Heureux retour à la maison !
Caresses à Vazy ! Bises
Men vad skönt att hon mår bra och att ni fått hem henne, jag blir tårögd av glädje. Krya på dig nu Vazy.
Trés trés contente de savoir la miss enfin rentrée !
un trés bon rétablissement à elle et fais lui un énorme calin de ma part
Ravi que Miss Vazy soit de retour parmi vous
Gros calins à elle
comment vas la miss Vazy ?
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