She's been weird since thursday. She started looking depressed and was walking 2 meters behind me all the time.. After that she stopped eating on saturday.. She had no diarréa or other signs of sickness.. but i knew something was not normal.. Monday night she had puked on the floor atleast 5 times.. There was nothing to be thrown up, so it was only a watery mess...
Then on tuesday I went to the veterinary and they found nothing special. But there too she was acting weird. She didn't wanna open her mouth.. And she never does that. Then she also seems a bit more aggressive with Aila sometimes.. That's not normal either... She goes up and down, yesterday she was running, and even eating almost a whole portion of food.. But tonight I woke up around 3, she was whining and scratching the door.. Didn't understand, too tired to get up.. So i just waited.. Then she didn't stop. so i went up, and she had had diarrea on the floor.. I went out with her, and she's even got fresh blood coming out.... Scary... They found nothing on the bloodtests, she didn't seem in pain in the stomach when I was at the vet... But i don't know.. They also sent some bloodsamples to see if it's maybe one of the diseases transmitted by tics....
I so hope it's nothing serious! But it seems to me, cause it's something hidden.. scary...
Hej nya livet!
5 years ago
1 comment:
ah non ..j'espère que la miss n'a rien de grave ! tiens moi au courant dés que tu en sais plus !fais lui un calin de ma part
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