May 22, 2008

dog activities

well, yesterday I had my second course in clicker training. And everyone from the first course came, plus the new ones. It was really fun and everyone seemed to appreciate what we were doing, the dogs too.
Vazy was doing her little show as usual, and I got her to stand in a big box by shaping. That was fun.
Today we've been to the veterinary to do all the last things for the Sweden trip, only one week left! She's getting more and more upset for every time we're going to the vet. After she got her shot against worms, she ran around like crazy and screamed!
She soon calmed down and I got some homeopathie (I dont know how you say that in english) for her legs. It's good 'cause lately her muscles hasn't been at their best, and she's been halting a lot last week. I hope that it will help, 'cause its not easy to deprive vazy of running and jumping for more than 2 days!!
I'll put some pictures to illustrate the last few days....

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