Today we've been out for 6 more hours. Decided to leave around 10 and then I went for a walk around the club (we went to Jessi's club this time, Stockholm södra). There were a lot of German Shepherds, and some other dogs. Jessi told me there are always loads of people there..
I started to train Aila a bit on agility handling without obstacles. It went quite well. She can easily follow me in hard turns and all, but she rather wanna be on the left side than the right. Same for Vazy. I guess they get a bit too much into that when they're training obedience as much.
Then I was doing some jumping and slalom with Vazy and Aila. Aila can do a few "sticks" of the slalom from both the left and the right. Eventhough she's quite slow. I think I need to speed her up somehow. Maybe use another technique...
I also tried to make her jump a bit further away from me, but it's hard. She'd rather stay at my side the whole time.. Atleast she didn't jump on the side of the jump this time...
Then Jessi came, and we trained different obedience exercices until around 4 (with a nice lunch inbetween). Then the dogs were so tired they didn't know what they were doing any more..
Today's training;
Vazy:Has been training heelwalk, and moving towards the sides and back. She managed a few times to make 2 steps in all direction really nicely!
Then we've been practicing to stay standing eventhough I come next to her. That was hard! I guess she needs more practice.
We've also practiced the "square" and sending her to that one. I should start a bit earlier though, when she's not so tired. She needs a lot of energy to think about where to go exactly. But she still made some super nice ones! Atleast she sees the square now, eventhough it's been put out beforehand. And it takes less and less tries before she does it nicely..
What more? We've done so much!
We did some stupid stuff, slalom in between the legs, rolling and other stuff, just for fun.
Then we did some "sit/down/stand". And she was tired, but made a few perfect stands, which is quite rare. Nice!
Then we were also practicing the jump. To jump forwards, which she does, but she doesn't go out far enough. Then we threw a ball over her head, and she went further. But then we fooled her and didn't throw the ball, it worked 2 times, then she didn't fall for it anymore! You can't fool her more than three times, that's for sure!
I wanted to practice the "come-stand-come", but she was way too tired. Next time!
Aila;We practiced the jump. Jumping towards me was easy. But then we changed, and she got to jump forward. That was a bit harder, but we solved it by putting a nice little bowl with treats on the other side. We have to work on that a bit more.
Then we did some heelwork. But she seems a bit distracted since she's in heat..
We also practiced some down and stand. But not for long.
I can't really remember any more. But.. Maybe my memory will be refreshed by Jessi's pictures coming up tonight!
Now I'm gonna have some food and chill for a bit. I've decided to finish cleaning the flat today. We'll see if I'll actually manage, because I've been saying that for a few days now....