So much fun training when you can really see how much the dogs enjoy it.
Today I went with my mum to do some training.
It was fun and we had some break-throughs. Vazy was going to the center of the square without focusing on any cones. And from all directions! I hope that it will continue this way. Then I only need to start making the distance greater. Right now I'm only like 3-5 m away..
Aila could concentrate on heelwork for a long time without a treat, and she seems to think it's fun just to walk there. So that's great too.
We also worked on the retrieve. Now I'm trying Kicki's tip; to teach her to pull on it a bit to stop her from chewing on it. Working quite well, unless she starts pulling like crazy. She can do that sometimes.
I also practiced some more heelwork with Vazy, and she's really got a tendancy to walk to much forward. I haven't noticed that before.. or has she done it before? My mum said she was wagging the tail like crazy as well, so that's fun. How she's changed since last year, when we both thought it was boring heelwalking. But she's got too much will to please, so when I walk slowly, she wants to do everything at once. Turn left (back legs), turn right, back and move in to position.. So I feel that she's not so sure exactly what position I want at the moment. I guess I have to be more clear..
I hope that I can afford fixing Vazy's tooth soon so that we can restart the retrieve with her..
By the way. Aila was going crazy last night! Around 1 o'clock she started wining and running around. After a while I thought I would see if she needed to pee, and when I came out in the livingroom (they're sleeping outside our bedroom most of the time) she went nuts! I've never seen her jump around as much! It's weird since she's getting more exercice than she's gotten for a long time.
Anyways, now I'm too tired to write any more. I feel that everything takes too much time, and I feel like I'm gonna fall in to bed already at 10 every night!
Next training I'm gonna ask my mum to make some films.. I've also promised some people to show how I'm teaching Aila the slalom... Can someone remind me what the other thing was?
Hej nya livet!
5 years ago
1 comment:
Va skoj att det gick bra och vovvarna är pepp på at träna!! Allt blir ju så mycket roligare när båda hund och matte tycker det är roligt. Hoppas vi kan få till nån träning i helgen. Kram på dig!
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