Today Kicki came over because we were supposed to train outside my flat, on the field. We went for a walk and then we tried to train a bit, but nothing worked. Aila didn't even know what "down" meant, and vazy just wanted to sniff on the ground. I was hungry and it was cold. But then we went in to eat, and we got the idea to train indoors. That was super fun! We started shaping the dogs to put their heads on the ground when they lied down. All of them managed super well! It's gonna be good for the future when they do that when lying down in group. They will stay focused and won't look at the other dogs.. For Izla it's gonna be really good, because she can't bark and push her head down at the same time.. We will see how that goes. Next training is on wednesday, then we'll go to the club in Kista.. Gonna be interesting to see if they will manage. It seems hard for them when the snow has melted away and it's great smells everywhere. A lot of people start coming out of their homes, staying outdoors more. So it's definitely harder for them now.. Well well, just need more practice!
Hej nya livet!
5 years ago
Jo han växer på.. man hänger inte med själv :) Jag älskar också hans chokladbruna färg, så härlig :)
Jag har också funderat på om man skulle lära in att han ska lägga ner huvudet på platsliggning... men har inte börjat lära in platskommandot ännu så det får bli ett lite senare projekt :)
Jag håller på att träna bort "lägg ner huvudet" för Sparven börjar nosa på marken och kryper fram några cm varje gång hon lägger ner huvudet. Hon ligger mer stilla om hon har huvudet högt och focuserar på mig.
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