Well, just came back from our nice walk. We went walking in the forest on the way to Dalarö.
I walked them on leash for about 20 minutes to warm up, since I got some advice how to avoid hurting vazy's legs. then we also did a searching activity, where mathieu went hiding far in to the forest, and then they had to look for him, afterwards we did the same for me. It took some time for them to find me, but they always do.. so now they're nice and tired.
Tonight we're having a party. So I better rest and have a shower.....
Hej nya livet!
5 years ago
Have a nice party!! I hope they can all get anice showermassage! Why nor give one to Vazy and her leg?
Haha, det är kul att hålla alla på sträckbrädan ett tag. Sen kommer alla ändå bara bli besvikna, för det blev inte så jättebra ;)
Heisann, så moro det er å se video snutter av treninga deres! Dere er jo kjempe flinke.
Er travelt her om dagen, vært mye ute å reist og mye jobb når jeg har vært hjemme. Nå ser jeg fram til siste uka med jobb, før påskeferie! Skal bli skjønt! :)
Planlegger dere Gällivare og Piteå?
Ha en fin søndagskveld:)
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