Tonight I've been out running with the dogs. So funny! I've bought some harnesses (did I tell you already?) and Vazy pulls me while I'm running. I have to run the fastest I can to keep up, but it's the first time that I acctually enjoy running.
Mathieu is coming with me, and has got Aila pulling him.. We're gonna be in great shape if we continue like this.
I look forward to spring, then my plan is to train agility on mondays, run on tuesdays, go to the club to train obedience on wednesdays, run on thursdays, and train obedience on sundays.. with a few days of only long walks.. We'll see.
Tomorrow I'm gonna go do some more training though, gonna try some of the tips I got from Madelen, and maybe some new stuff...
Have fun 'til next time..
Hej nya livet!
5 years ago
Ja visst är nässpray en underbar uppfinning ;)
Ni är så duktiga som är ute å springer, va får du all energi från människa...haha!
Ja, jag är väldigt glad just nu och det går bara mot bättre tider, får vi hoppas! :)
Hur går det med pluggandet och hur funkar allt för Mat? :)
Jag hoppas verkligen att vi ses till sommaren! Annars blir det ingen riktig sommar.
Kramar /Matilda
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