Now we're back from training. It was not so focused on competition obedience, but rather "everyday obedience". So my dogs are not so used to that anymore. But Aila wasn't barking so much, and was just crazy in general. Jumping and "singing". But she didn't care so much about the other dogs.. So that was good.
Vazy was a bit too calm, not really in the mood for training. I think she's got a bit of pain in her toes. I've got some painkillers from the vet, so she will probably feel a bit better with them. Then I have to start stretching her toes too.. She was quite insecure with the other dogs, but was doing well otherwise..
I talked to Jessi and we're hopefully going to train on monday and tuesday. I just wish it would be a bit warmer by then!
Hej nya livet!
5 years ago
Det var säkert Camilla du pratade med, kanske såg du mig med? Vi stod nämligen också i montern. ;)
Tack för kommentaren! Jag tycker det är jätteroligt att göra figurer som inte alls är proportionella, men Orvar säger bara: 'har du gjort en sån där ful bild igen?', vad positiv han kan vara då.
Om hon som håller i tävlingen väljer min bild till final så kan man rösta på den :)
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