Today it's time for the agility training again. It's not really the best season and it's been snowing all day. But we're gonna try to go anyway!
Today Aila gets to come with us too. I hope she's not gonna bark too much, so noone's gonna want her there anymore. Cause I hope that she will be able to start going in the training group soon too. But she has to be atleast 12 months and take a course in basic-agility.. That will be fun. I think she's gonna love it. Today we're gonna try the slalom, and the A and all the other ones. Just gonna wait with the jumping. But I know she's good at jumping, she does it in the forest...
Aila has been really good in the forest this morning too. She's not running away like she could do before (she was chasing something), but now I see her starting to chase off after something, and then I just call her in normal tone and she comes running straight away. Vazy is better than ever on this. She's never going more than 30 m from me now..
Both of them loves to jump up on things now. And I can send them in advance to jump up on something far away. That's funny.
So basically, all is well...
Only two weeks left til the exposition! What did you think of the picture from the snow? Is she in a good position? I'm training her to stand nicely now....
Lite konstruktiv kritik: Aila står fint med tyngd på frambenen på fotot men du kan gärna sänka godishanden så hon sänker nosen och sträcker på nacken. Synd att bilden är tagen uppifrån.
Vad kul det låter med agility, här har det bara blivit lååånga skogspromenader med flocken för att bygga muskler och kondition på hundarna och mig själv tills skatingföret kommer. Hundarna beter sig mer som en flock när de är 3, det en gör, gör de andra så det gäller att få Maya att göra rätt...det är hon som är ledarhunden.
Nu är det tö så det fastnar stora bollar i pälsarna. Jagalätt-salva är kanon att smörja tassarna med så det inte bildas is mellan trampdynorna.
Ha det bra
Maila till det ska fungera.
Hei,så fint du får Aila til å stå. Leste også den kostruktive kritikken og det høres fornuftig ut.Skal prøve selv. Har Aila fått løpetid? Nelli har nå.Ho var litt uoppmerksom før den kom. Kanskje Aila er i perioden snart.....Ha en fin vinter. Snakkes.
ps.dem er utrolig vakre Aila og Vazy.
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