As I might have written before, I've had some trouble meeting other dogs on the leash.
I've always focused on getting the attention of Aila, and have her stop barking. Cause she's the one that makes the most noise and that you see the most in this case.
I've felt a bit worried at meetings, cause it's not fun when a dog is lashing out at another one, barking like crazy. The other one starts and the leashes are what's keeping them apart. It hasn't been like that before...
Anyway, first time I came to Sweden I noticed a changed behaviour in Vazy. She got triggered by the signals from the other dogs, I think, and became this "monster" sometimes.. It's not that she's really aggressive, but she still lashes out and jumps towards the other dog. She's quite strong, so sometimes it's really annoying. Anyways, she hasn't been that bad in the beginning since we moved here, or, only sometimes. And Aila has always sounded louder and more than her, so I only saw here...
Well, yesterday I noticed that it was acctually Vazy triggering Aila! Aila has learnt with positive reinforcement that meeting dogs is not so bad. But the "tid-bit in the face" technique is NOT working with Vazy... So finally I noticed that it was acctually her I should have been focusing on from the beginning.. Lately Aila has managed to pass dogs without a problem, but the Vazy gets upsets and lashes out at the dog, and then Aila tags along, doing the same, but barking as well. puh!
It's like what Ceasar often sees as well when someone has trouble with one dog... that it's acctually the other one that's causing it. Vazy is definitley the leader dog of them two, so it would be only natural.. Why haven't I thought of this before?
Anyway, yesterday I started this new technique, only focusing on Vazy. I have to make her snap out of the "zoom-mode" before she starts. I can see that her ears goes forward, her neck longer, she's like tripping on her toes.. Then I try to do something sudden, like a little pinch in the back.. First few times she got quite upset, and I had to lie her down on her side. She wouldn't accept that I "broke" her hunting mode.. But after she calmed down, it came another dog, I made the same thing, and with a treat when she looked at me. And it worked!
The last walk of the day I had 2 dogs walking on heel past other dogs (a few meters away). So I think I'm definitley on the right way.. I'll keep you updated about the process, cause this is really interesting..
I have also decided to start training with a group of girls with Laponian herders on tuesdays and thursdays. They seem to be on the same level as me, and it was really fun last time! Maybe I'll take some pictures later on... So Agility monday, and other training (obedience and other) on tuesdays and thursdays.. Busy busy!
Hej nya livet!
5 years ago
Vad kul att du lyckats få tyst på lilla (nu kanske stora) Aila. Speciellt när hon möter andra hundar. Låter roligt, hehe... Speciellt att det egentligen var Vazy... :P
Du får ha en trevlig kväll!
Tack för kritiken... Ja, jag har testat måla i Illustrator, men var nog lite ovan så att jag inte hittade det jag sökte efter. Så då gick jag tillbak till Photoshop. Om du går hit: såhar jag en annan målning med mer detaljerad bakgrund...
Ha dte bra!
Hej Åsa
Jag har samma problem, Sparven blir så glad då vi möter folk och om hon inte får springa fram och hälsa så skäller hon. Jag hade fått bort det nästan helt men då Ami kom och jag har tre hundar att koppla upp då vi möteter någon har jag blivit stressad och då har Sparven skällt, Ami har skällt och Maya har stängt öronen och rusat fram till den andra hunden. När jag såg hur lugnt och värdigt Cesar avstyrde oro i flocken provade jag det. Jag sänkte rösten och tonläget, struntade i att tjorva med kopplen utan sa bara åt hundarna att sitta. De satt som ljus runt mig och lät folket passera. Har provat ett par gånger och är nu redo att möta hundar också, hoppas jag. Som tur är Ami och Maya matglada och gör allt för en godis. Du har rätt i att det är Maya som drar igång Sparven för hon gör som de äldre hundarna. Maya är lätt att få att sitta still men jag har koncentrerat mig på Sparven och inte på flocken.
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