It was fun to do some training again! We've been practicing some heelwalking, forward sending, sit/down/stay and so on.
Vazy still has some problem to understand that she's not supposed to go to the cones. Today I made the square the right size and I used the tips I got from Jessi. So I played with her in the center of the square and then went out to send her back there. She didn't get it at all in the beginning, but just before I finished she made some nice ones. I will continue working on that tomorrow..
I also lent Vazy to Kicki. I wanted to see if we could practice how to walk like it was competition. With the sharp turns and so on. I noticed that Vazy is walking too much forward and is therefore in the way when turning left. I think I have to think about that when giving treats.. Maybe place them further back.
She's got the fact that she needs to lie down without moving forward. That means not moving her front legs. That's working well most of the time, especially on the sit and down. It's harder for the standing, then she likes to take a few steps forward. Just need some more time I guess.
With Aila I worked mostly on heelwalking, which is going really well when she focuses. But in the beginning she goes a bit crazy and is looking so funny I can't help laughing.. She's got an amazingly fast "down" now and she's waiting for me to give the command at all times. So sometimes she looks like shes "ducking". The I tried to work a bit on the "retrieve".. But it's hard. Because she likes to chew on it! So when I don't gove her a treat when she's doing that, it's taking to long for the treat to come, that she don't wanna take it at all anymore. She don't get what I want. I got some tips from Kicki that I will try tomorrow...
I also practiced the "down-stay" and they're amazing at that! First I put them down and ran around them playing with a football. They didn't move. Then I let them go.. Played like crazy with them and the football. I put them back down and did the same thing, neither moved. Great! Another hard thing, I let one of them up, and then I played with the ball and one of the dogs, in front of the other. The other one didn't move. Amazing. I'm so proud of them when they're like that...
But I think I have to start teaching them new things, it's not so much fun to always do the same things...
They were also great in the metro. When we went home it was so crowded that one sat over vazy's head when she was lying on the floor. She didn't care, and she didn't move. There were also several people that wanted to pet them, they were allowed, and Aila didn't even bark...
Kicki is doing well too. Her heelwalk is looking super nice now!
Hope it's good weather tomorrow so I can go training and going for a long walk. I think they need a bit more exercice since Aila is gaining a bit of weight...
Have fun 'til next time...
Hej nya livet!
4 years ago
Tack för i dag, bra och rolig träning som vanligt! Tack för lånet av Vazy oxå, hon är en sån fiiin tjej!!
Tråkigt att det körde ihop sig i morgon (hmm eller idag blir det eftersom kl är över 00.00). Vi får kolla ut en annan dag som passar i stället!
Kram kram
Jadu, det låter kanske som att det är lätt, men det är det inte. Det är verkligen svårt att vinna över sin negativa sida, men om man försöker lyckas man till sist. Det har tagit mig fram till i julas innan jag verkligen började inse det själv.
Vad kul att det går bra med träningen!
Kramar /Matilda
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