Kicki unfortunatley got tied up today, so she couldn't make it to our training.
But eventhough it was snowing this morning I really felt like going to the club.. So I went by myself. It was really nice finally! The sun came out and it was nice and warm. I started with a nice walk so that they would be a bit tired.
Noticed that Aila is in heat! She's peeing every meter.. argh!
Anyway, she was great at the training. She manages to do the whole slalom now! So much fun with shaping the slalom.. Now I just need to practice going in from the right side.. I tried some jumps as well, but she's so used to obedience now that she wants to be close to me on the left side.. I think it's gonna be easy to change. She learns so fast! She's doing great heelwalks and can concentrate for longer now. She also managed to do some down to sit without barking.. We also practiced the jump for obedience.. I think I need to do that some more! Since I'm walking around the jump, she thinks she's supposed to do that too. But she managed to jump several times... She also needs to learn the word for it...
With Vazy I did the same thing as yesterday. And she managed to go in to the square several times from each side.. So she's making progress. She can also do sit/down without moving forward from a longer distance now. The standing is still a bit hard and needs practice.
I also practiced the heelwalk with taking steps to the left and right side.. Right is easy, left is a bit harder. She wants to move her front legs first, and then her back legs, so it doesn't become straight as I want it too. But she's getting better at backing straight... I also did some sit, down or stand while walking in heel position. She's doing good. She knows the difference in the commands, but she could be a tiny bit faster...
So.. I still long for spring when I can train for a bit longer with nice breaks... Now I've been training them for about 30 min each.. They can't really concentrate longer than that without a real break (And neither can I!)... We'll see..
Hope to go training with Kicki again soon. Would like to make some films to see what I have to work on.. Especially since I've seen that Vazy is walking a bit too far ahead, and too close.. I want to see if she does that with me too...
Hej nya livet!
5 years ago
Kul att det går så bra för er. Hur gjorde du när du shapade in slalomen? Funkar det bra?
Hej.. Jo jag fattade ungefär. Men en film hade ju varit jättebra! :)
Hej! Det vat ambitiöst må jag säga, att skriva bloggen på engelska! =)
Ha det bra med din aussie! (förhoppningsvis får vi valpar i sommar om du vet nån som är intresserad. ;))
Åh vilken rolig träning. Jag ska också ta tag i slalomet med shaping i stället för 2x2. Vilken metod som är bäst kan diskuteras men den första är rolig och jag började faktiskt lite innan jag flyttade.
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