February 27, 2009

Alone, but still..

Kicki unfortunatley got tied up today, so she couldn't make it to our training.
But eventhough it was snowing this morning I really felt like going to the club.. So I went by myself. It was really nice finally! The sun came out and it was nice and warm. I started with a nice walk so that they would be a bit tired.
Noticed that Aila is in heat! She's peeing every meter.. argh!

Anyway, she was great at the training. She manages to do the whole slalom now! So much fun with shaping the slalom.. Now I just need to practice going in from the right side.. I tried some jumps as well, but she's so used to obedience now that she wants to be close to me on the left side.. I think it's gonna be easy to change. She learns so fast! She's doing great heelwalks and can concentrate for longer now. She also managed to do some down to sit without barking.. We also practiced the jump for obedience.. I think I need to do that some more! Since I'm walking around the jump, she thinks she's supposed to do that too. But she managed to jump several times... She also needs to learn the word for it...

With Vazy I did the same thing as yesterday. And she managed to go in to the square several times from each side.. So she's making progress. She can also do sit/down without moving forward from a longer distance now. The standing is still a bit hard and needs practice.
I also practiced the heelwalk with taking steps to the left and right side.. Right is easy, left is a bit harder. She wants to move her front legs first, and then her back legs, so it doesn't become straight as I want it too. But she's getting better at backing straight... I also did some sit, down or stand while walking in heel position. She's doing good. She knows the difference in the commands, but she could be a tiny bit faster...

So.. I still long for spring when I can train for a bit longer with nice breaks... Now I've been training them for about 30 min each.. They can't really concentrate longer than that without a real break (And neither can I!)... We'll see..

Hope to go training with Kicki again soon. Would like to make some films to see what I have to work on.. Especially since I've seen that Vazy is walking a bit too far ahead, and too close.. I want to see if she does that with me too...

February 26, 2009


It was fun to do some training again! We've been practicing some heelwalking, forward sending, sit/down/stay and so on.
Vazy still has some problem to understand that she's not supposed to go to the cones. Today I made the square the right size and I used the tips I got from Jessi. So I played with her in the center of the square and then went out to send her back there. She didn't get it at all in the beginning, but just before I finished she made some nice ones. I will continue working on that tomorrow..
I also lent Vazy to Kicki. I wanted to see if we could practice how to walk like it was competition. With the sharp turns and so on. I noticed that Vazy is walking too much forward and is therefore in the way when turning left. I think I have to think about that when giving treats.. Maybe place them further back.
She's got the fact that she needs to lie down without moving forward. That means not moving her front legs. That's working well most of the time, especially on the sit and down. It's harder for the standing, then she likes to take a few steps forward. Just need some more time I guess.
With Aila I worked mostly on heelwalking, which is going really well when she focuses. But in the beginning she goes a bit crazy and is looking so funny I can't help laughing.. She's got an amazingly fast "down" now and she's waiting for me to give the command at all times. So sometimes she looks like shes "ducking". The I tried to work a bit on the "retrieve".. But it's hard. Because she likes to chew on it! So when I don't gove her a treat when she's doing that, it's taking to long for the treat to come, that she don't wanna take it at all anymore. She don't get what I want. I got some tips from Kicki that I will try tomorrow...
I also practiced the "down-stay" and they're amazing at that! First I put them down and ran around them playing with a football. They didn't move. Then I let them go.. Played like crazy with them and the football. I put them back down and did the same thing, neither moved. Great! Another hard thing, I let one of them up, and then I played with the ball and one of the dogs, in front of the other. The other one didn't move. Amazing. I'm so proud of them when they're like that...
But I think I have to start teaching them new things, it's not so much fun to always do the same things...
They were also great in the metro. When we went home it was so crowded that one sat over vazy's head when she was lying on the floor. She didn't care, and she didn't move. There were also several people that wanted to pet them, they were allowed, and Aila didn't even bark...

Kicki is doing well too. Her heelwalk is looking super nice now!

Hope it's good weather tomorrow so I can go training and going for a long walk. I think they need a bit more exercice since Aila is gaining a bit of weight...

Have fun 'til next time...


Finally.. I'm so happy, 'cause yesterday was the first time Aila "asked me" to train! It was great. I went out with them around 11 at night, and she didn't care at all about smelling or anything. She just started looking at me and walking on heel in perfect position. Of course I reinforce behaviour like that with some ham cheese. Maybe she's gonna start liking training as much as Vazy, and I'll see some more of this "demanding" behaviour. Great..
Today I'm going training with Kicki, gonna be fun! I think they need some more mental exercise.
We've also been to do the yearly vaccinations this morning, so now they are all up to date!

February 24, 2009

Walk with Sara

Look at these pictures how much snow there is now! It's basically the same place that we walked at this sunday, you can compare yourself. Crazy! But it was great weather with sun and it wasn't so cold. Super nice walk with Sara... ps. the pictures are taken with the phone, since I forgot the camera as usual!

February 23, 2009

Agility movie..

I was looking through some old pictures when I found this movie from the summer of 2007. Vazy doing some agility.. We're not winners yet, but at least we have fun!

February 21, 2009


We went for a nice walk near flottsbro. That place is so cool! It's a skiing slope and a beach at the same time! How could it be any better..? Haha.
We climbed a huge hill with cliffs and stuff. Here are some pics.
Hope to have more time to train and walk this week..

I got some of my stomach problems back. Damn stress! It was a long time since I felt pain like this in my belly... Oh well. Gotta calm down I guess....

February 19, 2009

Nothing special

Nothing is happening at the moment. Or, a lot is happening, but not so much with the dogs. I'm feeling a bit ill still. I think I might have gotten some of my stomach troubles back.. When I get some money I will also invest in some iron and vitamins, to get less tired..
I walk the dogs everyday in our nice forest behind the house. It's great. Haven't been training since last week sometime. But there has been a lot to do this week..
We're renovating the bathroom and I have an exam at uni. English grammar! I hope that I'm writing more correctly now.. We'll see after tomorrow...
This weekend we're going to some friends for dinner. The dogs are allowed to come as well..
As always everyone likes them! They have been nice and obedient lately.. Except that Aila has been eating a lot of deer shit, and other stuff in the forest. So she was feeling ill and threw up a few times the other day. It really stank!
Next week or maybe even this weekend, i'm planning on doing some more training. I might also make some more films....
Have fun!

February 16, 2009

February 15, 2009

Dogs on the couch

Dogs that are not normally allowed on the couch, really enjoy it when they are!

February 14, 2009

Happy valentines everyone!

Today Mathieu and me went for a long walk in the forest.. About 2 hours I think. Good to see the dogs a bit tired!
Couldn't get someone to take care of the dogs tonight, so we can't go out like we planned. That's life when you have dogs. Next weekend maybe...
Wanna say thanks to Kicki as well...

Have a nice valentine's night!

February 13, 2009

A hard day

Well. Haven't been feeling so well today. A lot of stress and tiredness, but also headache and a weird feeling in my body..
Had to go to uni and study anyway (really forced myself..). This morning I went for a walk with the dogs.. It's funny how they know exactly when you're not in great shape.. Ofcourse they had to go crazy at a poor schnauzer that was nicely passing..
But for the rest of the walk they were ok...
Otherwise I haven't done much today.. It's not easy to get the force to do something or take long walks.. But I guess that's life, not every day is easy..
There are ups and downs..
Hopefully I will be feeling better tomorrow.. And that the big rock feeling in my stomach will go away....

February 12, 2009


I've been really tired lately. I think I might need some more vitamins and iron..
Anyway, wen't training with Kicki today. It was fun as usual. But it was a bit cold, and we got lost a bit with the car. I'm a bit short on money right now, so I'll try to avoid taking the car for a bit..
I was training the same things as at home with both dogs. They got more in to training now, and think it's great. Vazy's little short tail is wagging the whole time..
We haven't done any significant progress today, but mostly just continued with the same things. It's a bit harder when it's outdoors with a lot of people and cars and other things... Aila was a bit more vocal today than usually. It's hard to not get frustrated! I think she's done some progress, but some days she goes back to her old barking self....
Kicki seems to do well with Izla too. We hope to be able to compete this summer...
Too tired to write any more. Hopefully I'll put some films from next training..
Tomorrow the dogs are gonna stay with Minna and then we're going for a nice walk after uni...
Have fun!

February 10, 2009

Dogfood and walk..

Went to buy some dogfood today and stopped on the way home for a nice walk in a big forest.. here are some pics.. sorry for the bad quality, but it's the phone as usual.

February 9, 2009

Watching TV with Aila

Today it was finally nice weather. Had a nice sunny walk this morning. Great!
Ofcourse I had to be in school most of the day, so I didn't have time to enjoy it as much as I would have liked to.
When I came home from school there was a documentary about wolves on TV. It was so funny! Aila watched the whole thing with me, commenting on the wolves hunts and not understanding how come she could only see them on the TV and not in the room behind. She got quite bored with the nature parts, she only wanted action all the time!

Here's some proof!

Haha! The second one is even funnier. She has to look behind the TV, 'cause she can't understand where the wolves are coming from..

And also some pictures from today's walk in the forest just outside our house.

February 8, 2009

movies from today's training

Well, it was so much fun to film last time, and be able to see what I do right and wrong, that I've decided to film some more.. This is the result..

Training retrieve with Aila. She can now take it on command and keep it for a very short while...

I'm also training Aila to control her back legs when walking on heel. Doing pretty well, I think!

Vazy is training to go to the middle of the square of cones. It's hard to make her go to something so abstract, and mostly she wants to go to the cones. But once in a while she makes it!

I also have a mission from the forum Lapskvallhund.se to teach the dogs to roll a ball with their noses. This is where I'm at now... Not great yet, but I still have about a week to teach them..

Vazy is a bit faster learner since she's most used to the clicker. She understood in no time..

With Aila it takes a bit more time, and she sometimes tries some crazy stuff. But we're gonna get there at some point...

Have fun!

February 7, 2009


Well. Here you have a picture of what new toys looks like after an hour or two with my monsters...

I always ask for the most hardy toys in the shop. They say that they're indestructible, but no no.. Those toys might last a month maybe, if I'm lucky..

Luckily these we're bought for 10kr a piece, so that's not the end of the world..

Anyone got any indestructible toys?

February 5, 2009


Now that I've got a bigger flat I can train indoors. The first movie is the result of today and yestarday's training with Aila. The other one is to show Vazy's heelwalk..

Filming was so much fun that I think I'll put some here again soon.


Look at this.. She managed to run up the side of the tree, and it must be at least 1,20 m high, maybe more. When she ran, she managed to stop on the top and balance. Maybe it's 20x20cm surface to balance on.. I'm quite amazed, since she got at least 30 cm left when she's standing on her back legs..

February 4, 2009


We've got this big field just outside our door, so I invited Jessi to come training her tonight. It was fun! Vazy still understands the square, eventhough she tried to go to the cones at first. But it's a new situations, so that's setbacks that I have to take. She was doing good otherwise.
But the retrieve (thanks mum) is not at all good at the moment. But I think it's 'cause she's got a broken tooth. It must hurt for her to do it..
Aila has been crazy lately, and when I tried to train a bit this morning, she didn't wanna do anything. But at night she thought it was fun, and we made some different exercises. She likes the retrieve object, so it's not gonna be so hard.
After that I went for an hours walk with Veronica afterwards. So now the dogs are really tired!
I made a new bed for Vazy (or, it's not really done yet..but soon), she loves it.... I'll put a picture later on.
Tomorrow I'll also put a picture of Vazys crazy balancing. She was running up and balancing on top of a stump of tree about 1,50 meters high! Crazy! Sometimes you could think that she's a cat...

Thanks Jessi for some nice training again. Hope we manage with out project!

No more visits..

My mum has been here for the last week, my brother came over for the weekend with wife and kid. Then we've had some friends over and a lot of things to do in the flat.
Still managed to take some long walks with the dogs. When I haven't had time my mum has..
They've been really good, especially Vazy! She's been amazing with meeting other dogs and all. But Aila is going crazy, I'm suspecting she's gonna be in heat again soon.. She's totally nuts, running around like crazy, whining, jumping, barking a lot (especially at other dogs).. It's annoying. She can't concentrate at training either, she just wants to sniff and search for good smells everywhere.
Today I'm off, so I'm gonna do some training with Jessi, and go for a long walk with a friend...

February 2, 2009

The new flat..

Here is some pictures of the dogs in the new flat. They got a lot of space, all good! Gonna be able to train some indoors when it all cools down a bit..

February 1, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

Moving in is a business!
I've got so much to do, so many people visiting. I don't even find time to write. But soon I'll update with some words and pictures!