Now we're finally here. I haven't had one second of calm yet.
The day before we left, just after the competition, Aila started feeling really bad. We had to go to the veterinary and xray her belly. It seemed like something was stuck, and she screamed of pain all night. I was awake with her until 6 or something in the morning, when my mum took over. It was hard to see her like that, but we couldn't see anything on the xray, so we had to wait and see. In the morning she puked a bit, it was some thread, the size of a small mouse, and something that seemed like a spine from a big fish. After that she was seeming better in general. But often she still screamed and seemed to be in pain. That's continued until now. It seems like the big pieces of spine was going through her intestants, causing the pain. But between the "fits" she seemed totally normal. Eating, drinking and shitting like normal. She was tired after the sleepless night and was sleeping the whole way on the train. We were really impressed with the way she easily jumped up in the train, and stayed calm all the way! she didn't bark anything at people either, and there were a lot.
The train was late 5 hours, so we didn't get here until midday. Then we'd been on the train since 5 pm the day before. Crazy! luckily the train stood still at some places, so they could go for a small walk. When we got to the central station, she stood still waiting with Vazy and my mum whilst I went to get some stuff. Then we went in the elevator, and all this time she seemed like she'd done nothing else. There were so many people and all, but she didn't bark at anyone.
When we got here we met my brother, Lasse, and both of them seemed like he was an old friend. Strange how she barks at some people, and not at others. We went home and for a few small walks during the day. We were really tired after not sleeping more than a couple of hours, two nights in a row!
She sleeps late, and she don't mind not going out until 9 in the morning. We went in with the train to town and it also went really well. Going in the escalators and all too! We went out to get a sofa at an island, went with the ferry and all. No problem. They finally got to run like crazy! They really needed it.....
Anyways, a lot more has happened since then, but what I wanted to show with this story is that Aila is really like home everywhere. She's even less stressed than Vazy, that's been a bit of a pain lately! Vazy always go so crazy when she don't really know what's gonna happen. She wants control of the situation. She gets really stressed if she can't see me, even if she's with my mum. And she pulls on the leash, she jumps around. I think it's also cause she hasn't been running like she normally does. She's been a bit of a pain.... Maybe it's also cause she knows a lot more than Aila. She's been moving before, and she knows whats going on... Aila is just chilling, a follower, she don't need to be in control like Vazy.... Well, all this will calm down in a few days....
Hej nya livet!
5 years ago
Hej Åsa och stort grattis!! Kul att det gick så bra på tävlingen, men ni är ju kanonduktiga så..
Hoppas ni hunnit komma något sånär i ordning nu, jag vet hur struligt det kan bli när man flyttar =).
Fågelhunds-valpkursen var jättebra och jag har fått massor med bra tips på hur jag kan inrikta träningen för det ändamålet. Superbra!
Men vi saknar våra träningskompisar..
Kramar Sara &Alde
hej sara! vad kul att du skrev.. kan du inte skicka din mail så jag kan svara??
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