This time it went so much better than last time! I was so happy with Vazy, and I really learnt how to motivate her before going out there. The heelwalk was really good, but the judge thought it was too "close". I don't really know when that was, or really what it means. But even so, I thought she was doing great! Same with the "down", cause then she normally has problems, and now she did it fast and smooth! What we missed on was the "retrieve", where she didn't take it at first, same as last time! That's something we have to work on. And she also sat before command on the "standing" part. I was a bit dissapointed that I didn't get more points on the heel walk when she was doing so good, and also on the "down".. And they also said she touched the jump, what do you think (judge from the picture)? But over all I'm really proud of her! I think she can easily take two more first prizes, and then we'll get a diploma. Wohoo! Maybe this winter....
I'm also really proud of Annloice and Sparven, la petite moineau, that took a first prize even if she missed the down/stay (which is a lot of points)! Go Sparven! I'm gonna miss training with Annloice, Sparven and Maya. It's been a lot of fun!! Also training with Sara and Alde, and all the others...
So, first prize, second place and another (a bit bigger) cup in plastic. Haha!
Super GRATTIS till 1:a priset. Ni tar ju lätt två till och LP1 i år så duktiga som ni är.
Jag är sååå nöjd med vårt resultat också. Två Aussies på prispallen.
Har du fler bilder på Sparven så är jag glad om du skickar dem spinnrockens@yahoo.se
Lycka till du också med fortsatt träning och tävling.
Félicitations !! çà fait trés plaisir de voir son ex bb faire d'aussi beaux résultats ! gros bisous à toi et un gros calin à la miss Vazy :o))
audrey trés trés contente de vous 2 !!
Klickade runt lite och råkade hamna här. Tyckte jag kände igen er på lydnadstävlingen igår, men nu ser jag att vi var ju på samma utställning helgen innan. Gillade din hund skarpt då! Grattis till förstapriset igår!
GRATTIS till 1:a priset. Lätt att ni fixar två till!!!! :)
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