Today we went training a bit at the club. It went really well, Aila is not barking at all now. It's not insecurity anymore, but only barking a "protective" bark. So I've started to tell her off, and praise her a lot when she's quiet, and she made so much progress in just a few days! When I tell her off she comes to me after, nice and quiet, and gets her tidbit. Otherwise we're working on backing, sit/stay, keeping her paws on a piece of wood, down, eyecontact, standing and ofcourse other contact exercises. I want her to come when I stop, cause then she learns to always keep an eye on me. I also train her to follow me around, nearby, without being on heel.

Changing directions and all. She's very good at that too. She can stay without the leash on the field eventhough other dogs are training on the other side of it. She's very good at coming when called. I also introduced her to the slalom. But I don't really have any commands for anything but "sit" and "come" yet, I'm just training for fun and to get her creative... It's fun.
Vazy is super good at the moment. Really motivated to train and learning new things super fast. Lately we've been training the heelwalk and turning with her only moving her back legs. I've tried for so long, but it never worked. And now, in

just a few days she can do it so well! It looks like a competition horse with her legwork! haha! She can spin around next to me, even follow me sideways! Backing by my side, sitting, turning and everything not moving one inch from my leg! She also manage to crawl a bit next to my side. She finally got the lying down back, she's not doing it perfectly yet, but at least she's doing it.. The best part is that she thinks it's fun to walk on heel again. I just have to train her a bit more at the club, it's more distractions and she's not as focused... I think we might manage before the competition... I hope so anyway! I've also started to practise a bit for obedience "2", she needs to get better at staying in the same position when commanded at a distance. She always moves forward. And then I'm gonna need to practise the

sending forward......
I'll put some pictures from the garden play....
Vilka framsteg Vazy & du gör och fort går det. Ni är ett duktigt team.
Ska vi träffas på klubben på onsdag och träna kl: 16.30 och sen åka till sjutbanan ?
Det var så kul i kväll så jag märkte inte att vi höll på i nästan 3 timmar...mina hundar var trötta och nöjda då vi kom hem. Det gick ju jättefint med Vazy på skjutbanan och jag är helt nöjd med platsliggningen med skott i slutet.
Ha det bra i Luleå
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