On Sunday we went on an obedience competition. But it went really bad! We came next to last, and it felt a bit stupid that we're not really going forward, but backwards. Not getting better, but worse. At this moment I'm really doubting myself and my training. I feel like I need some guidance, someone to help me and tell me a bit what to do and how to do it. Since I've been in France I've barley trained any obedience, especially 'cause noone there is interested. They're not so used to clickertraining and often it's me teaching them how to use these techniques. Now when I get to Sweden I feel like everyone is so good, I feel set back. Like I've

missed something. I've been the one supporting others when I've been at the clubs in France. I've been working with dogs with problems and it's just been the basics really. To be a leader in the relationship with a dog, like a guide. Like someone to trust, that's fair, but not letting the dogs do everything they want. And I feel like I've got that with my dogs. They really trust me, and they love to be with me. We have a lot of fun. But when it comes to technical stuff, I suck! I think I'm too lazy, don't know enough and never had any good guidance when it comes to these parts.. I have great dogs, but to show it in competitions, I need some help. I hope that's what I'll find in Stockholm at the club I choose.

It's hard to move back, it's all so different here in the dogworld. And people probably think I'm weird for having my dogs off the leash almost all the time, letting them sniff other dogs and play with them. The way I am with the dogs, maybe a bit hard on them sometimes....I don't know.... we'll see how all this develops, but at the moment I feel kind of worthless....
1 comment:
Hejsan Åsah,
Jag tycker att du ska sluta upp med att känna dig värdelös för du och dina hundar har en jättefin kontakt och ni ser ut att ha kul ihop då ni tränar. Du och Vazy behöver bara slipa lite på "finliret" så kommer lydnadstävlingarna att gå lysande.
Kanske vi ses på någon tävling när du flyttat till Sthlm.
Lycka till!
//Nina med Enzo
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