So it didn't go too bad at the show. I was a bit tired from getting up so early.. There were quite a lot of Laponian herders (20), but only one more in my class (junior). We came 2nd and had a 1 (red ribbon) and an honors prize..
The juge said "Very good.. 46cm.. Mentality; nice and cute. Detail description; Good proportions, nice bitchhead, dark eyes. Good nose and bite, but could have had a more powerful "under" jaw (don't know how to say it!). Good top line and breast. Should be a bit better angled on the cross, knee and leg. Good front, moves with a bit of a short step and .... in (couldn't read)..Good fur"..
I'll write it in swedish as well to get everything correctly.
"Helhetsintryck; mycket god. Storlek; 46cm, Mentalitet; snäll och gullig. Detaljbeskrivning; Bra proportioner, fint tikhuvud, mörka ögon. Bra nos och bett men kunde haft kraftligare underkäke. Bra överlinje och bröst. Borde vara lite bättre vinklad i kors, knä och has. Bra fram. Rör sig med lite kort steg och tå....(?) in. Bra päls."
Anyway, I kind of forgot to write how good she was all day!! Amazing! With thousands of dogs, she was so calm and focused on me all the time. I went around the different rings, passing dogs by one cm, and she just looked at me! Barley any barking at all either.. Maybe I'm finally getting somewhere with that. I'm just so proud of my dogs!
It was also really nice to have some company. I met one of the girls I'm training with, Kicki, with her laponian herder Izla. She was doing quite well too. But the judge also thought that she wasn't well angled. Too bad! I would have liked her to get her Cert, and become a champion.
But they made the waiting much shorter, and that was nice and fun. It was all crazy, but I didn't really manage to see everything I wanted to. Maybe next year I'll go one day without the dogs, just to check out the Agility, freestyle and all the stands.
I went quickly by the Laponian dog stand, and the Aussie stand, and had some nice discussions with the people there... So, fun day! But I think I'll have to go to sleep earlier next time!
ps.. no wonder I didn't make it further, the one I was competing against (Venla, from Finland) became BOB!
STORT GRATTIS till det fina resultatet! Ni var verkligen duktiga, det såg kanonbra ut!
Trots att det var lång väntan tyckte jag det var en rolig dag. Tack för trevligt sällskap ;)
// Kicki och Izla
Ja, men hade du pluggat hade det gett resultat, för du är smart! Du har lätt att lära dig, tex andra språk.
Tack! :)
Jodå, jag har roligt! :D Och jag pluggar inte så mycket som det låter (alla tror att jag pluggar hela tiden! men egentligen pluggar jag helst bara en timme på söndagen och inte särskilt mycket under veckodagarna heller) Kanske har jag också lätt att lära mig.. :)
GRATTIS till bra resultat, Aila är ju snygg !!!
Det är nyttig social träning för unghundarna att vara på utställning också.
Gratulerer med fine resultater på utstillinga.Så bra!Det er skikkelig morsom lesing for hos her oppe.Flott at Aila var så fokusert på deg da,godt jobba.Ho er veldig vakker.
Grattis til Vazy`s gebursdag også.Vi var på vår første ski tur i går,det gikk veldig bra,etter at Nelli skjønte at skiene faktisk fulgte med oss...ha ha,ho var søt da.Ha ei fin før julstid.Klem fra Kirkenes.
Grattis till utställnings resultatet=)
Kul o träffa er även om jag inte vågade presentera mej ordentligt =)
Ha det bra //Therése, Birk och Lain
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