April 21, 2008

not always easy..

It's quite tiring to have a puppy.. I forgot about all that, it was so long ago that Vazy was this small, and she was also very different. She was always depending on me and following me everywhere. I can't recall that she was running away on her own adventures, but rather quite contact seeking. But maybe that's just a reflection of what she's like now, maybe I've forgotten all the hard work I've done? It's also a bit harder cause Aila is not interested in food and tidbits! I remember teaching vazy lots of stuff with the clicker and some good food, eventhough she hardly ate her food, she always liked tidbits. good bits of cheese or sausage.. but aila barley even smells on a good piece of cheese! and she's the same when it comes to her food. we barley manage to get her to eat half of what she's supposed to. how come i get two dogs like that, is it something i've done? the thing is that Aila eats her food when there are other dogs around. but when she's alone,she just takes one bite and go on to other, more fun stuff. I'm not gonna do the same mistake as with vazy; starting to mix better tasting stuff in there. That just made her worse, cause she always thought she could have something better. i've tried most things now, but i guess i just have to be patient.. Patience is so important with dogs, and especially puppies. i'm so happy cause i've managed to be so patient, and not putting myself in a situation where i'm not in control. With the longline i can always stop her when she wants to go on her little adventures.. but when i don't have time to put it on, it's a bit harder. but instead of standing there and screaming, i'm just walking away, going indoors and shutting her out until she's whining loud to get in. when she goes to far i run away and hide, so that she's missing me. i play and encourage her a lot and she really loves it. sometimes i go down on the floor and look stupid acting like a dog, biting, barking and jumping around.. but she loves it! and it makes us have a good relationship, she seems to be looking up to me and she's not happy when she don't know where i am. luckily she's interested in playing, cause otherwise it would be hard to reward her when she's doing good. but some things are really easier with tidbits, i hope i can find something that she likes.. there is lots of other stuff going on, but if i'll start writing it all down i will end up writing a book. maybe i should?

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