December has started today. It's a new week and a new night for agility. Tonight it's gonna be muddy and cold. It's raining and bad weather.
The dogs are sleeping.. They haven't got as much training and walking as usually, since I've been working on a project. But they are fine..
We've been looking at a new flat last week. We have put an offer on it, and hope it's gonna be accepted. It's gonna be really nice for the dogs, since it's calmer and a huge forest nearby..
Only problem is that it's quite far from uni, so we might have to get someone to walk the dogs if I have full days (9-4). On half days I think I'll bring the dogs (we're getting a car) and I'll go for a nice and long walk after my lessons are done..
We would really become super swedish, owning dogs (although, normally it's only one dogs.. so...),

a volvo and a bostadsrätt.. haha..
Comments for the picturemixes..Hope you enjoyed the series of pictures that I put lately. It's kind of summary of the dogs lives. Felt right to put them now, one day before Vazy's 4th birthday! FOUR years old, already!!
There are pictures from different places in France, Spain, Austria and Sweden.. It's great to be able to bring the dogs everywhere!
The other dogs on the pictures are mostly dogs that had no homes (the white one and the boxer), that we took out for walks now and then when we lived in Nice. The other laponian herder is Fjällfarmens Ofelia "Quori", that I had for a weekend there...
The brown australian shepherd, and the border collie were dogs that I met when taking a dog training course in Bruxelles. That's where Vazy learnt her good "down/stay"..
The other australian shepherd puppies were from a meeting that used to be every week in a park nearby. There was a kennel which arranged it, to meet all the puppies.. That was fun. That was when vazy was still lying on her back in front of other dogs...
The husky mix breed is Apache, which is my friend Carolines dog. I got her a new puppy not so long ago, a laponian herder. I hope she's happy with her, little Balka..(further back in the blog you can see pictures of her..)

The picture with the church and the mountain is from a village around Grenoble in the alpes. A beautiful place!
The picture with the bench is from when my friend from Manchester came by, we went to Monaco..
The super nice lake with the cyan colour is lake "st cassien" (I think), which you get to when you follow "les gorges du verdon".. an even more beautiful place! That's where the pictures with vazy swimming is from. Speaking of those; have you noticed that she's got a fountain in front of her?? That's cause she was
terrified of water.. It's hard to believe now when she loves it more than anything..
The picture of Mathieu with his parents is from the village we used to live in, "Biot".. a really nice village. But one of the reasons why Vazy now is sterilised. There were always so many dogs running around in this village all the time. People left them when they went to work, and they chilled around all day, hustling tourists for food at the restaurants, or baking in the sun..
There are also pictures from Lyon and the one next to a big river is "la saone", that is one of the rivers floating through Lyon..
The pictures with me, mathieu and vazy by the water is in Storön, where I've spent the last two summers.. Beautiful with the sun up all night and lots of boats and rocks going in to the water..
All places have their charms!
There are also pictures from the two clubs I was trainer at. The one with the mountain in the back is the dog club of Grasse, and the one with the people playing with Vazy is from the club next to Lyon, at Dagneux. Super nice clubs, both of them! Hope they're doing well!
If you look carefully, you can also see how Vazy has developped from a small skinny "rat" without fur, to a beautiful aussie with nice muscles and all... hehe..
My mum is there at a picture somewhere, and there is a lot with Mathieu on them. He loves to play like crazy with the dogs, as you might have noticed..
That's all for now folks!
ps. I made a trip to check out the forest next to the flat we might get, that's where the pictures are from...